desktop switcher

Israel israeldahl at
Wed Jan 29 03:21:25 UTC 2014

On 01/28/2014 08:23 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
> On 01/28/2014 06:26 PM, Israel wrote:
>> I usually do that for each version, and keep my /home on a separate 
>> partition.
>> On 01/28/2014 12:01 PM, W.J.Heeringa wrote:
>>> The best is not to upgrade Lubuntu, but first remove completely the 
>>> older version, and subsequently install the new version. Then all is 
>>> ok (apart from a lot of work, i.e. reinstalling everything).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Wilbert
> Israel, & All:
> Just to illustrate differing in approaches, what I do (that works fine 
> for me) is the opposite.
> I usually upgrade, and I never have /home in a separate partition 
> (though I used to have /home in a separate partition years ago).
I like to test the installer for every new release, as (for me) I think 
that is what new users will use, and I like to make sure it will work as 
expected, and go smoothly.  I have been pleasantly surprised in the past 
couple of releases to find everything going exactly as I had hoped with 
no bugs.  It also goes remarkably quick.
I'm glad you do it the other way, though as we need people to test 
upgrading through that method!
I keep /home in a separate partition for recovery purposes, as I 
sometimes do some wild things to my testing computer :) and I like to 
not lose everything if I bork my system badly enough.


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