Desperate plea for help with graphics problem

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Fri Jan 3 00:35:31 UTC 2014

2014-01-03 01:24, Jeffrey Needle skrev:
> Hello.  I downloaded Lubuntu 13.10 today and updated the system
> completely.  I'm running on a Dell Dimension 3000 desktop.  I'm
> encountering a problem with graphics that is not unique to Lubuntu, but
> perhaps can be solved here.
> I use Evolution as my groupware client.  Version 3.2.3, that ships with
> many distros based on the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, is buggy and annoying.  You
> need to have a distro that runs at least Ubuntu 12.10 in order to have
> the dependencies you need to run later versions of Evolution, which work
> much better.
> But later versions of Linux bork my graphics in both Firefox and
> Chromium.  When I try to play a video, say, on YouTube, the video is
> squished and distorted, just maddening!
> So, my quandary: I need later versions of Evolution in order to get my
> work done, which require later versions of the Ubuntu software, but
> these later versions seem to really bork my graphics so that I can't see
> anything!
> Oddly, VLC works fine.  And I can copy a URL from YouTube, open it in
> VLC, and it works just fine!
> I'm so puzzled.  If anyone can help, I'd really be grateful.  Thanks.
Hi Jeffrey,

It will be much easier to give relevant advice, if you tell us the specs
of the computer. We have brand name and model, but the components might
vary, so please give us data about

- RAM (size)
- graphics card/chip.

I think the reason VLC works is that it is not using the general
libraries, instead it comes with static (built in) libraries.

Maybe it will also help to install the restricted extras (a meta-package
with software, that Ubuntu is not allowed to distribute, but the end
user is allowed to download)

sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras

Good luck :-)

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