Evince alternative

Lars Noodén lars.nooden at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 10:33:14 UTC 2014

On 19.02.2014 12:19, Kris Van Bruwaene wrote:
> I very much like Lubuntu and enjoy using it on several PCs at home
> and at work. However the PDF viewer Evince does not fit in well with
> the rest of LXDE. Its menu is "optimized" for Gnome3, and displays
> black letters on a black background :-( . So I wanted to replace it
> with Atril, a fork of Evince for the Mate desktop. I had to download
> quite some Mate stuff to get Atril working, but it's OK. Now when I
> want to remove Evince, I need to remove Lubuntu-desktop as well,
> which doesn't seem like a good idea. Or is it?

lubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage and doesn't actually contain
anything itself.  You should be able to remove it without affecting
much.  You can try a dry run with --simulate in apt-get

	sudo apt-get --simulate remove evince

and that will show you what will get changed without actually changing it.


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