My pseudo Presentation Mode

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sat Dec 20 10:47:42 UTC 2014

Den 2014-12-20 02:34, Eric Bradshaw skrev:
> John Hupp,
> I had no idea that was a bug. I went searching for something to help out
> someone
> I'd installed Netflix for and got a much shorter script out of it - I
> assume because it
> uses/relies on xotool. Now, I have no interest in developing this. I
> only offer it up
> to see if it will help. I include the following paragraph from
> usr/share/doc because
> I had been planning on including it in our next respin.
> Mouse Mover is a non-copyrighted, community solution to a common
> problem; to
> keep the Lubuntu/LXDE screen from blanking every 10 min while watching
> video.
> To use; go to Sound & Video --> Mouse Mover. Works silently in the
> background.
> This uses xdotool [] by Jordan
> Sissel.
> vasa1 developed this script to move the mouse if CPU usage exceeds 5%;
> which is
> what normally happens when watching video via Netflix, or YouTube, etc.
> He was
> helped by Vaphell on the Ubuntu Forums, terdon on StackExchanhge and
> several
> others. C4C stumbled across the script over a year later, added an icon,
> the
> Mouse Mover name and put it in the Menu of the C4C Lubuntu ReSpin.
> First
> sudo apt-get install xdotool
> Then create the file
> sudo leafpad /usr/bin/
> Copy and paste the following:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> sleep_period=8m
> while true; do
>   if ps -eo %C --sort -%cpu | head -2 | awk 'NR==2 { exit !($1>10); }';
> then
>       xdotool key shift
>   fi
>   sleep ${sleep_period}
> done
> Save. Then open PCManFM as root
> gksu pcmanfm
> Navigate to /usr/bin/, right-click and choose "Properties"
> from the drop-down. Click the "Permissions" tab and then choose
> "Anyone" from the Execute dropdown. Click the "OK" button.
> Copy the "mouse-mover" folder, paste in /usr/share/applications
> Before watching Netflix, YouTube videos, etc.
> Select Menu --> Sound & Video --> Mouse Mover
> Enjoy!
> When asking vasa1 who/how to thank, he sent his modified script that uses
> the [Shift] key.
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> sleep_period=8m
> while true; do
>   high="$(ps -eo %C --sort -%cpu | awk 'NR==2')"
>   if ps -eo %C --sort -%cpu | awk 'NR==2 { exit !($1>5); }'; then
>       xdotool key shift
>   fi
>   sleep ${sleep_period}
> done
> Eric

Hi Eric,

Thanks for sharing, and kudos to vasa1 :-)

Best regards

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