FW: video editing

Jens Leineweber jleineweber at posteo.de
Fri Dec 12 14:05:01 UTC 2014

I'd go with Openshot. It has a really good documentation and a lot of
tutorials on youtube.

only downside: If there is not enough ram / swap it likes to crash :(

Personally I think you should go with openshot because the others are a
little to difficult for elementary level students.


Am 12.12.2014 um 15:00 schrieb Marc Tremblay:
> Can anyone recommend a video editing program for Lubuntu? Keep in mind that it would be for elementary students. (see beow)
> Thanks
> ________________________________
> From: Tony Di Vittori
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 8:32 AM
> To: Marc Tremblay
> Subject: video editing
> Hi Marc,
> As we move along with our project we are learning new things and new programs to use.  Good thing that students are quick learners.  What would be a good, easy to use, and stable video editing program that we could use with our Lubuntu laptops.  I have read about Openshot, Pitivi, and others and they all seem to have fans and detractors.  Do you know of one that would be good at the elementary level for students and teachers?  Thanks!
> Tony

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