7 problems (-1) (+1)

Israel israeldahl at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 12:35:06 UTC 2014

(inline replies)

On 08/21/2014 03:44 AM, spir wrote:
> 7 problems
> Hello,
> I just switched to lubuntu 10.04 and have 7 problems (minus 1 solved,
> mentionned to help others) (plus 1 time-honoured, see PS).
> === system versions ===
> System installation was very problematic:
> Normal upgrade crashed and let me with an unusable system (lubuntu did
> not even start, grey screen at boot). Fortunately, I had kept an
> install CD from an old version (12.04) which worked: I installed from
> new. Thus, I could download and burn an install CD for version 14.04.
> From there, I first re-tried to upgrade, which crashed again but at a
> different step of the procedure (note that the system was not in the
> same state since I had installed from new). Then, I had to install
> again from new, but for security I kept version 12.04. It worked, but
> now I have 2 versions of he system, and the infamous boot menu to
> choose between installed versions.
> How do I get rid of this menu? or of old versions altogether?
First, did you check the MD5SUM of the image?  If your image was corrupt
it could explain all your odd problems you have faced installing.

Second to remove the old version (as in 12.04) you need to delete that
partition (unless you want to keep 12.04).  Then run
sudo update-grub

If you want to keep 12.04 but not show the menu at boot
look here:

> === numlock at startup ===
> The honorable numlock-at-startup issue is back! I did the usual
> procedure of installing numlockx and check corresponding files
> (/etc/X11/Xsession.d/55numlockx & ~/.xinitrc) but this method does not
> work anymore, at least by me and with version 10.04. How to solve this
> issue?
I haven't had this issue, so I cannot comment :(
> === no login ===
> At system install (since I have done several in a row) I missed
> checking the box for no user login. Now, I cannot find where to
> suppress this login step (which I definitely hate; I live alone, no
> risk).
$USER is a system variable which will automatically use your username

sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --autologin $USER

This makes LightDM (the login manager) automatically login $USER
> === keyboard layout ===
> Reverse issue: I properly selected my keyboard at system install, and
> it worked during the first session. But then it switched (back?) to an
> US keyboard and I cannot find where to set it properly.
> But: to type this text I needed a proper layou,t so that I searched
> further and after 15 more minutes found the solution there:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard#Keyboard_mapping_for_13.10_and_beyond
> Note the line (which I overlooked): "By default, the option «Keep
> system layouts» is checked. Uncheck it to customize your keyboard
> layout."
Try the layout tool that is in the Panel.  If it is set to US there will
be a big 'US' on the right hand side.  You can also try setting it in
the Keyboard program (it will be near to the 'US' icon)
> === key typing ===
> When typing text (and I do not type very fast), about 1 key stroke out
> of 5 is missed by the input system: there are missing characters in
> the text (so that this very text was very annoying to type anyway).
> How to solve this issue? [Original text of the last sentence was: "Hw
> to sovethis isue?"]
> === mouse pointer ===
> On the bakground of some apps (at least editors) the mouse pointer
> bugs: it partly disappears, partly swiches to a pointing arrow when
> should be a text cursor. How to have it work correctly?
I honestly think some of these bugs are due to not MD5SUM your image...
though they may be legitimate bugs...  That said, it may be due to your
graphics card.
If you need proprietary drivers (NVidia) you should install them.  the
nouveau drivers don't work as well for the older computers now, as they
are focusing on the newer cards
> === colours ===
> How to set up interface colours? this is for me a necessary, vital
> setting, if only because white backgrounds kill my eyes! (thy are
> very, very sensitive to strong lightness)
> Note: at an old version of Lubuntu I found and used an excellent gnome
> program for interface settings. Then, *some* of these settings where
> still taken into account from version to version (of the system),
> notably the window background colour was. Now, I have lost nearly
> everythng with the new install (despite the back copy of my home,
> including "hidden" folders); only settings that do not fit the latest
> styles remain, and I cannot adjust them anymore!
If I understand you correctly, you are talking about the GTK3 bug, that
is actually part of their design.  Gnome has (unfortunately) been
breaking compatibility and removing features in GTK, because they are
focusing on making a very streamlined ergonomic interface for their project.

So, my suggestion is to look for a GTK theme that fits your needs.
there are a lot in the repos all ready, and there are plenty on the
is a good place to start

> More generally, in my view:
> * all std themes are bad & ugly: ergonomy & esthetics are not
> respected; unfortunately, I do not have the technical & artistic
> competence (have a look at Mac ergonomy & style, not Win)
> * Lubuntu setting, for config & interface, is poor & messy: data are
> missing, wrong, or disorganised; or I do not understand the logic (ditto)

Calling a theme "bad" or "ugly" are subjective terms.  For example I
think a chihuahua is "ugly" yet another thinks it is "cute".  I think
Apple products are "bad" where other think they are "amazing"

Constructive criticisms are undoubtedly appreciated, but general
sweeping statements that do not give any specifics are not very
helpful.  What is "bad" about the interface?  Do you not like the gray
color, or the blue?  Do you not like square icons?
Please be specific about what you mean, it ma be that this is a
usability issue the artwork team wants to address, or has already fixed
in the daily artwork PPA.  Some of my issues with the default theme are
already fixed upstream in the PPA (i use the Lubuntu Dark theme)

> Thank you for all your work anyway; critics do not undermine the value
> and I do use Lubuntu! ;-)
> denis
> PS: a remaining unsolved issue AFAIK is window & box resizing: extra
> thin borders are very hard to catch! The lower right corner is not
> right (at times the pointer is far, and 50% cases it is not the right
> sense! and often we want to resize in only one direction, not both;
> and some boxes have no such corner at all...)
You can change the border size.  Some applications are not made with
small monitors in mind, however.  Most developers have HUGE displays,
where as some of us have very tiny screens with low resolution.  Those
cases are for the developer to fix.  But you can change the border size,
I can't remember if there is a GUI option to do this or not...


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