mainline kernel and preferred kernel

Aere Greenway Aere at
Tue Apr 22 17:08:58 UTC 2014

On 04/22/2014 06:30 AM, Israel wrote:
> You can specify the exact Kernel you want to boot in GRUB2 as well.
> Actually there are a lot of really cool features in GRUB2 (like theming).
> will let you manually set the Specific Kernel (you basically copy the
> menu entry from your grub screen) to GRUB_DEFAULT
> and for some more info on GRUB (in case you are interested)
This is all very good information, and I made use of it for months.

Then, recently, I installed the 14.04 level of Ubuntu-Gnome, and also 
Kubuntu in their respective partitions on my machine, and these very 
handy modifications went away, and I no longer remembered how to make 
those useful changes.

The information you supplied reminds me how to do it again, but if it's 
just going to disappear the next time I upgrade one of my partitions, I 
will probably just get used to hitting the down-arrow 9 times in the 
grub menu.


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