Lubuntu 14.04 Menu / Accessories / Galculator

Israel israeldahl at
Mon Apr 7 01:21:58 UTC 2014

On 04/06/2014 07:20 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
> On 04/06/2014 04:55 PM, George DiceGeorge wrote:
>> Menu / Accessories / Galculator
>> shouldnt that start with a C not a G ?
>> [george]
> George:
> It is the name of an application, rather than a noun representing an 
> actual thing.
> We programmers like to come up with names we consider to be clever, 
> but different people have differing ideas of what is clever...
> Perhaps it stands for "GNU Calculator", but I could not find anything 
> stating that specifically.
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Aere
It may be Gnu Calculator, but I am fairly certain that it is Gtk 
Calculator... there are a lot of KDE programs that start with K, and a 
lot of Gnome(or Gtk) programs that start with G, but so do a lot of GNU 
programs (such as Gimp)
It is a silly naming convention people have used, but also can be fairly 
descriptive if you don't want to install a ton  of KDE stuff (for things 
that start with K), or a bunch of Gtk/Gnome stuff.

Lubuntu is (right now) a Gtk based desktop (LXDE), though an 
experimental Qt (the toolkit used by KDE) version is in the works right 
now :)


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