Evince image viewer cannot view PNG

Phill Whiteside PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Sat Sep 21 03:30:39 UTC 2013


by the same argument, does a new comer want to see "Use this for documents"
and "use this for spreadsheets"... a new comer will look at the menu and
look for "What it does". I do believe this discussion should be taken
further as we are expecting windoze 98 people to be using lubuntu.

In this case, it should be "what it does" followed by "what it is"....


P.S. who put the 'z' in my reference to Microsoft stuff? :)

On 21 September 2013 04:04, Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at fastmail.fm> wrote:

> On 09/20/2013 10:19 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> > it is a matter of not confusing people... Would a new comer to lubuntu
> > know what gpicview was? Or, indeed, would they care? That it is called
> > Image Viewer does make it clear what it does. But, then we have the
> > entry "mtpaint Graphic Editor"... does it need the mtpaint part, or
> > would it better called "Graphics Editor" or even "Image Editor" so as it
> > ties in with "Image Viewer"?
> Danger lurks here... does mtpaint *really* edit every image file format
> that gpicview can display, and no others?  If you want to consider them
> as being a family of "Image-related" software, one that views and one
> that edits, then that needs to be the case, and it is not... for
> example, gpicview can display .wmf (Windows MetaFont) files, which
> mtpaint cannot edit.
> No amount of editing of menu labels will change this reality.
> My instinct is that mtpaint has it about right, in that the label
> "mtpaint Graphics Editor" has meaning both to those looking for mtpaint,
> and to those looking for "a thingie to edit my graphics with".
> If we accept this reasoning, then gpicview could usefully have a menu
> label something like "gpicview Image Viewer".  This also means you can
> have several different "Text Editor" apps without having lots of menu
> labels, each of which just says "Text Editor" and so is totally
> indistinguishable from all the others, and so somewhat useless :)
> Jonathan
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