AW: Multi-Processor Usage an Lubuntu 13.10 (64-bit) on MacBook

Aere Greenway Aere at
Thu Oct 24 23:36:32 UTC 2013

On 10/24/2013 04:46 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> not being a guy familiar with Mac stuff, are you seeing the error at 
> install? (If so, please try both installer systems) or after the 
> system is installed?

There was no error reported during the installation, at least none 
reported to the user (me).

The error from the system log entry, was from booting the live DVD on 
Ubuntu i386 (Unity desktop).  I chose the "Try Ubuntu" choice, so I 
wasn't re-installing.

I'm reporting it from Ubuntu (rather than Lubuntu) because it has a 
utility to read the system log, which I depend on because I don't know 
where the system log is.  Lubuntu has no such utility, so I would have 
to know where the system log resides, and what it is called.


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