QML (i.e. Ubuntu SDK) QProcess and LXQt

Andre Rodovalho andre.rodovalho at gmail.com
Fri Nov 29 00:40:03 UTC 2013

Bringing mobile apps to desktop might be interesting in some cases... But
this is up the app developer right?

.. I'm just saying...

I guess it will not be that hard to find new apps with based on Qt to
Lubuntu. Maybe a good selection to catch the better on low resources!

2013/11/28 Israel <israeldahl at gmail.com>

>  Hi all, a while a ago I posted about using QML to build some quick/pretty
> System settings tools, (or other general configuration tools) using QML.
> I searched again and found that the function is QProcess.
> I asked on the ubuntu-phone list
> and got 2 pretty good answers
> So there is an easy way to write a plugin
> Q_INVOKABLE void execCommand(const QString &msg) {
>   QProcess::startDetached(msg);
>  }
> And
> https://gitorious.org/qml-process-element/qml-process-element-qt5/
> has a whole QtCreator project with the C++ files, and all ready to use.
> Also
> Qt.openUrlExternally()
> will open certain things... I haven't had much time to play with these
> things.
> The reason I bring this up, is that QML can use JavaScript to do most of
> its logic (as well as C++) and so nice graphical Qt apps can be made with
> very little effort.
>  Not sure if this is something anyone else is interested in, but it seems
> like there could be some really quick and pretty apps made with less effort.
> You can also use existing C++ backend, and write a QML frontend on top of
> the existing code (like some of the GTK tools perhaps)
> However, I have had some issues running some of the apps from Lubuntu, so
> further investigation will be needed, though it isn't too hard to make a
> stand-alone app.
> And the other thing...  it might be worth testing some of the phone apps
> (size, memory consumption, etc...) to see if they might be a good fit for
> Lubuntu (when it move to Qt), as bringing in GTK dependancies will
> obviously make the distro larger (bad thing).  So think about this stuff,
> and let me know what you all think (pros and cons preferably)
> --
> Regards
> --
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