When can i get sound events in lubuntu?

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 07:18:13 UTC 2013

Hello Lyz,

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
<lyz at ubuntu.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Israel <israeldahl at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree that system sounds would increase the over-all size of the OS,
> and
> > playing a sound for an event would cause drain on resources.  However,
> this
> > being GNU/Linux, giving choice to users would be nice.  Maybe having
> > lubuntu-sounds package could make optional sounds easy to install (and
> have
> > it configured).
> It may not be a consideration for Lubuntu, but for low vision users
> having sounds enabled by default helps a considerable amount. A login
> sounds help the user know that the desktop is loading, for instance.

This is a very valid point that I didn't think of. Indeed, this could help
those a lot. I agree :)

> Personally I turn them off too, nothing more embarrassing than a start
> up sound when I start up my computer during a talk at a conference :)

Haha, yes, I can tell :D

Is there a way to have Sound Event Feature either installed by default OR
can be installed later BUT in both cases, it won't be working by default
(autostart) unless the user him/her self enables it so in that case, the
user is the one and only person who will control how his/her system will
work :)

As we are using Linux, we should believe in all its philosophies and give
freedom to our users to choose from. Or at least explain all the options
and be clear that we can do it or we can't and why. I always believe
Documentation is, at some point, much more important than development.
IMHO, it is pointless to have the best developer on earth with the best
code/software on earth and there is no one knows how to use it, am I right?

I also have an idea :)
@Sergio, Lubuntu needs to have this issue cleared and explained on the Wiki
Pages. I think I have seen something similar but not quite sure. But, the
FAQ Section need to be cleaned because it is a mess IMHO. It is very
important for the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to be up-to-date to
save time from discussing the same issue over and over again.


And, the above link is not really FAQs, it actually has nothing to do with

FAQs must be simple Q with simple A, that is all.

I'd suggest to have a new page for these kinds of FAQs to make life easier
for everyone and Serigo, you know you can have that in a blink of an eye if
you need :P let me know :) but I shall NOT create any new page unless I
know what you are planning, that is why I brought this to the table of
discussion. It is not really off-topic, the sound event topic is not new :)

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
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