2 suggestions; Diodon and numlockx

Eric Bradshaw ericbradshaw at computers4christians.org
Fri Nov 22 06:56:19 UTC 2013

My apologies in advance if these things have already been addressed, but
I hope to see a couple of basic (what I think most new Lubuntu users
expect) features added to Lubuntu:

1. A simple clipboard manager. Parcellite doesn't seem to work. If you
copy a command from say, a web page in Firefox, but close the page
before pasting it into LXTerminal - it disappears. C4C includes Diodon
for this reason. The following is a discussion about it on the LXDE
Forum - http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=36214

2. Automatic number locking. You have to hit the number lock key before
using the keypad and it doesn't stick after a reboot. C4C includes
numlockx for this reason, but there is a command line edit too. The
following is a discussion about it on the Ubuntu Forums -


Thank You,
God Bless,

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