Roadmap for 14.04

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Tue Nov 19 10:27:32 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-19 11:01, Julien Lavergne wrote:
> 2013/11/18 Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at
> <mailto:nio.wiklund at>>
>     On 2013-11-18 12:54, Julien Lavergne wrote:
>     > Before talking about the future of Lubuntu, you have to know and
>     realize
>     > the followings facts :
>     >
>     > - My availability will not improve in the future. That means I will
>     > focus on fixing stuff, improving lxsession stuff, try to do some
>     > documentation, and prepare the future.
>     >
>     > - We have to consider that no one will magically appear to improve the
>     > code of Lubuntu. It's the case since many months, and I don't think it
>     > will magically change for the next 6 months. We also don't have the
>     > infrastructure (documentation, clean process, availability of mentors
>     > ...) to correctly train new people on the devs team, so even if new
>     > young and enthusiastic people arrive, they can't really help us if
>     they
>     > need training, guidance ...We may have some outside help on specific
>     > topics or bugs, but it will not change deeply Lubuntu as we know
>     it. If
>     > eventually someone comes with actual work (mean, actual working code),
>     > we can still consider it if it's well tested.
>     I think we *must* find a way to engage new people to develop Lubuntu,
>     even if it would mean completely new ways of doing it. This is
>     particularly important since your availability will not improve in the
>     future.
> Sure, but currently, I don't know any magic way to do it with our
> current situation.

Can you think of some tasks that can be clearly defined and separated
from the whole system? And specify what skill or knowledge that is
necessary (for example which tools or computer languages that the
developer needs for that task).

>     > - LXDE is dying. Well, except pcmanfm, all components are frozen and
>     > will probably not going to see any improvements in the next 6 months.
>     > Expect only bug fixes and translations updates.
>     >
>     > - LXQt (the merge of Razor-qt and LXDE, using Qt instead of GTK) is
>     > slowly taking the place of the LXDE GTK. All work are done on this
>     branch.
>     >
>     > Considering this, and the result of the previous release, we have to
>     > admit that we need to focus on fixing bugs for 14.04. We can't
>     introduce
>     > new functionalities and new stuff, unless it fixes bugs, or if someone
>     > from outside the Lubuntu dev team is actively working on it. In the
>     > short-term, that means :
>     Does this mean that you don't think it is worth the effort to supply LTS
>     for 14.04? In that case, what should we tell the users with old
>     hardware, who do not want to hop between versions every 6 months:
>     - use Xubuntu until April 2015
>     - use LXLE
>     - use Precise Gnome Classic Tweak
>     - use Bodhi Linux
>     or something else?
> I still think we can do an LTS. If we don't, we have to maintain a GTK
> version for next releases, or switch to a Qt version with a risk of
> breakage and instability. Doing an LTS, even if it's not perfectly
> stable and maintained, will give us the time we need.

I'm glad that you think so. I think most of us are looking forward to
Lubuntu 14.04 with LTS :-)

> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne

Best regards

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