Lubuntu Communications: Social Media Cleaning Project

Andre Rodovalho andre.rodovalho at
Tue Nov 12 22:26:22 UTC 2013

I think the Youtube Channel is very interesting... People today are lazy
about reading, but most teenagers likes videos. Maybe the best thing to do
is to fuse Lubuntu Screencasts made by Leszek on this Lubuntu101...

Screenscasts by Leszek are pretty old, but indeed, many things on them are
still usefull. So, I guess keeping always the lubuntu version on the video
title is enough for people to know that: this might not be applicable to
another version, but it could be...

2013/11/12 Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at>

> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Iberê Fernandes <
> ibere.fernandes at> wrote:
>> Hi there,
> Hi :)
>> I'm Iberê, I'm your new social media admin.
> And don't forget you are leading Lubuntu Communications starting today ;)
>> Once Linux is about meritocracy, I'm proud to thank you for having me
>> as your social media admin.
> You deserve it :)
>> Besides meritocracy, it's also important to share experience and why I
>> think I can help Lubuntu at social media.
>> I have an experience of almost 10 years as a former Web Surfer,
>> Product Manager, Project Manager and Community Manager (may vary
>> according to my career evolution) of products such as Yahoo!
>> Directory, Yahoo! Search, Flickr, Yahoo! Answers, Yahoo! Groups,
>> Yahoo! Mail, GeoCities, Yahoo! Bookmarks, Delicious, Yahoo! Profiles,
>> Yahoo! Videos and some others I don't remember now. :-) My main
>> expertise are to deal with i18n, l10n, testing/QA, and product
>> analysis.
> That is why you can help the community and that is why Lubuntu needs
> people like you :)
>> Now to the social media cleaning project.
>> In a simple image:
>> Once we have too many official social media channels (12 if I did not
>> miss any) and so few headcount to admin those channels, I propose to
>> *focus* on the main project: Lubuntu, official lightweight Ubuntu
>> flavor. Let's test it and guarantee that 14.04 is our first rock solid
>> LTS.
> +1
> I have been thinking a lot about this recently and I am very glad you have
> taken the initiative and sent this email :)
>> @Ali, please, tell us if I miss any Lubuntu official social media
>> channels.
> These are the 'official' channels for Lubuntu:
> WOWLubuntu, although it is a Community Project, it has never been used and
> despite many who showed their interest about it, NO ONE has done anything
> yet so it is totally safe to keep it a side for the time being.
> And now how to promote Lubuntu and keep focus on fewer channels. (or
>> the not so simple version)
>> Yes, it's important to keep Lubuntu on social media, but it's even
>> more important to keep our social media channels updated and relevant
>> to Lubuntu.
> NO doubt about that = +1
>> Why Lubuntu needs social media?
>> Official announcements, showcase, publish how-tos, tricks/tips,
>> recruitment of testers and anyone who might want to help build
>> Lubuntu. Social media channels are the places where Lubuntu Team
>> shares its identity and develop relationship with Lubuntu users.
>> Sharing, making conversations, help to find the appropriate support
>> channels (wikis, forums, irc channel).
> No doubt :)
>> What are the the top social media channels according to google search?
>> a)
>> b)
>> : be careful once it's from 2012
>> c)
> Let's KISS (Keep It Simple and Short), my friend :)
> While it is always good to do such kind of research and digging, we need
> to save time and resource and simply have a look at the current channels
> that we have. Based on two important factors, we can easily decide where to
> focus:
> 1- Number of Subscribers/Followers to that specific Channel
> 2- Traffic and User Interactions
> The more the above factors have, the better we focus on.
> End of story :D
>> From the above, what are the relevant social media channels to
>> Lubuntu? By relevant I mean: what are the channels worth to promote
>> Lubuntu and get more users downloading and using Lubuntu as a Windows
>> alternative. Keep in mind these questions when reading the rest of
>> this e-mail.
>> From my view, Facebook, Google Plus, maybe Twitter.
> +1
> I share the same opinion with you. These are the main without a question :)
>> Are teenagers relevant to Lubuntu? Yes.
>> Are they prone to run old computers? No, they're the "touch generation".
> Well, you never know. Some teenagers are interested, why not? :)
>> Should we open more social media channels such as LinkedIn, MySpace,
>> Pinterest, Instagram? I do not think so. If you think so, share with
>> us and let us know who will admin the proposed channels, what's the
>> strategy for the new channels.
> HUGE NO for this. We don't have enough energy + resources + time for that.
> So if Lubuntu Team is thinking about opening new official social media
>> channels, please, before opening new channels, let's discuss:
>> I) who'll manage the channel;
>> II) would the proposed content fit in an existing channel?
>> III) is the new social media channel relevant on the Internet to
>> attract new users to Lubuntu as a Windows alternative?
>> IV) is the new social media channel relevant to recruit Lubuntu team
>> members/supporters?
> See my previous thought about that :)
> Again, please NO :)
>> Should we kill some of the official social channels? (full list in the
>> next topic)
>> From my view, let's kill the following (or not keep as official
>> channels  if the ones running a given channel decides to keep running
>> it):
> NO. DO NOT KILL anything. Just ignore these channels until we release
> 14.04 and after that, we can discuss. These channels can remain inactive
> for 6 months. Who knows? maybe during this cycle we will find interested
> people who can look after these? so please, DO NOT kill whatever we have
> right now, this is not good idea at all. Instead, just keep them a side,
> that is all.
>> 5) : 558 followers. 58 tweets. We
>> have control on that channel.  Besides, the channel has not been
>> active.
> While that account has NOT been active, just for everyone information,
> Twitter can spread the word much faster and better than any other Social
> Network. Due to the nature of Twitter Platform, you don't have to follow
> Lubuntu to see Lubuntu Tweets. Those who have Twitter account will
> understand that. So, please, KEEP this one.
>> 6) : 379 readers. Should stay as
>> personal project, not official.
> -1
> Ignore this and keep it a side.
>> 7) 106 subscriptions. We have
>> control on that channel. Should stay as personal project, not
>> official. Or kill it.
> -1
> Ignore it and keep it a side.
> For two years, I have been looking for someone who create YouTube videos
> but no one stepped in so I guess it is safe to ignore it and keep it a side
> until someone steps in.
>> 10) 999 likes. Not an active
>> sub-project.
> -1
> Ignore it and keep it a side for now.
>> 11) : 239
>> followers. Not an active sub-project.
> -1
> Ignore it and keep it a side for now.
>> 12) : Not an active sub-project.
> -1
> Ignore it and keep it a side for now.
>> The full list of Official Lubuntu Communications channels:
> FOCUS on:
> Lubuntu Facebook Page (NOT group)
> Lubuntu Google+ Page (NOT Community)
> Lubuntu on Twitter (the one we have control over)
> These are the TOP 3 channels that WE should focus on :)
>> 1) : we do not know who's in charge of that blog.
>> Ali's trying to communicate with the owner. Seems to be relevant
>> according to google search and distrowatch:
> I vote to use the Blog and ignore the website as long as the owner refuses
> to hand over the access to the team. And if there is someone else who has
> access, he/she is refusing to speak up and refusing to reply our emails. We
> are wasting our time with the website.
>> 2) : Rafael Laguna (Lubuntu
>> artwork Team Leader) personal blog. Will it become and official
>> channel or keep as a personal blog? @Rafael, please, we need your
>> input.
>> 3) : 82681 Facebook
>> users like this. We have control on that channel.  Keep this channel.
>> Lots of likes/followers. Work as official announcements.
> +1
> Definitely Keep it and Focus on this.
>> 4)
>> : 3795 G+ users are following that page. We have control on that
>> channel. Work as official announcements.
> +1
> Definitely Keep it and Focus on this.
>> 5) : 558 followers. 58 tweets. We
>> have control on that channel.
> As I stated earlier: + 1 Keep it and focus on this.
>> 6) : 379 readers.
> -1
> Ignore it and keep it a side for now.
>> 7) 106 subscriptions. We have
>> control on that channel.
> -1
> Ignore it and Keep it a side for now.
>> There're more:
>> 8) : Official group
>> at Facebook. 800 members. Keep this channel. Lots of likes/followers.
>> Used for showcase, Lubuntu tips/tricks, redirect users to the correct
>> support channels.
> 0
> I personally see no point to waste time on this but that is my opinion. I
> saw to keep it but don't focus on it and find someone who can look after it.
>> 9) : 572
>> members. The same use as #7.
> -1
> Ignore it and keep it a side for now.
>> And there're even more:
>> 10) 999 likes. Sub-project of
>> Lubuntu Communications.
>> 11) : 239
>> followers. Sub-project of Lubuntu Communications.
>> 12) : not an active channel.
>> Sub-project of Lubuntu Communications.
> -1
> Ignore WOWLubuntu unless someone so serious steps in.
>> @David Yentzen <dbyentzen at> wants to take care of that
>> channel since november 2nd. However nothing has changed on the blog.
>> @David, we need your confirmation, otherwise, closing channel.
> +1
>> 13) :
>> Leslek personal screencasts on Lubuntu. Although it's kind of old,
>> there're still some good info on those screencasts. Check the views of
>> each of them. Should stay as personal project unless Leslek would like
>> to become our official You Tube channel.
>> @Leslek, we need your input.
> Not sure what is the point behind that but I'd say keep everything as it
> is for now. I don't think there is time to do much on that.
>> Once this e-mail is too long, I think 10 days (november 22nd) are ok
>> until everybody insterested replies.
> Speaking from two long years of Lubuntu Communicaitons Lead and Currently
> Ubuntu GNOME Communications Lead + Peppermint Community Manager + Ubuntu
> Quality Social Media Administrator ... I would advise to:
>    - Keep the channels that has the most traffic + the most subscribers,
>    one channel per platform (Facebook, Goolge+ and Twitter)
>    - Ignore all the other until we find someone to manage these. We can
>    keep them a side for 6 months (this cycle) and after 14.04, we can do
>    re-assessment and discuss this yet again after 6 months.
>    - Keep in mind before taking any decision that we are fighting against
>    TIME and we have no time, not enough manpower and not much of resources
>    (humans and non-humans). The activities of the whole community has dropped
>    down big time compared to other releases and key players/active
>    contributors have quit. Yes, me included. I am around just to help not to
>    lead :)
>    - KISS (Keep It Simple and Short) - this is Lubuntu Philosophy.
>    - While this may sound totally off-topic but I think it is relevant.
>    Lubuntu Wiki Area need MORE love than Lubuntu Social Channels. I am much
>    worried about that more than the Social Media. I do trust Sergio and I
>    acknowledge his skills but alone? he will be burned out because he is doing
>    everything all by himself. Beside me helping him and I guess Phill is
>    helping as well, I am not aware of who else is helping him?
>> Best regards,
>> --
> Thank you so much!
> --
> Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> Best Regards,
> amjjawad <>
> Areas of Involvement <>
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