
Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Mon May 6 21:20:43 UTC 2013


Are there any known issues with dropbox and lubuntu 12.10

after a clean install my drop box folder has picked up all my files but
won't let me right click on them,  I am sure I copied over the right
configuration stuff from the backup,  i just can't get it so I can right
click and share files.

I tried and failed to update the lubntu 12.10 poster, in inkscape,  i
looks fine in inkscape as I changed the 12.10 to 13.04 i just can't
share it, or share it to figure out why it the 13.04 looks like a white
blob in other graphicsd programs, I am not a graphic designer anyway is
anyone working on the 13.04 poster, even if they simply update the
version text in the short term






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