[Lubuntu-comms] installing Lubuntu in less than 100 seconds
Phill Whiteside
PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 26 20:09:15 UTC 2013
when we are tired, we must take a break. Within any F/OSS group there will
dis-agreements at times; some of them from widely differing positions. When
dealing in such situations... write your reply & then go and review it a
few hours later. I've been guilty of not doing that, but am hopefully
getting better :)
We all deeply care about lubuntu, but we must also work as a team in order
to best put lubuntu forward. Our emails to the groups are all publicly
accessible - NEVER give those who are against F/OSS have any ammunition
that may be used against us in 'press releases' etc.
Keep it civil!
On 26 June 2013 20:45, Michael Rawson <michael.rawson at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> Having 'manners and respect' includes not telling other people to learn
> 'manners and respect'.
> Also, from my point of view, you're both speaking in an informal fashion.
> We're all here because we're volunteers, and I don't think we need to be
> especially formal.
> Firing insults back is never an appropriate way to deal with unexpected
> content on a mailing list; either ignore it and move on, or tactfully
> mention it if it becomes a persistent problem.
> I hope I have not outspoken my position, but I feel you've erred in your
> judgement.
> Michael
> On 26/06/13 18:08, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> I would strongly suggest you go and learn some manners and respect, then
> come back :)
> I would also suggest you read the CoC and the mailing list do and do not.
> And before you jump in to the middle of some serious discussion, keep the
> informal stuff away and don't assume you know much about Lubuntu because
> you do not.
> I did not like your attitude at all and there are billion of better way
> to express your thoughts rather than this. I don't reply such non-sense.
> And next time you want to shout, do it off this list!
> Too bad this list is not moderated.
> P.S.
> Obviously, Linux is not your cup of tea so I would strongly recommend you
> stick with Microsoft Windows :)
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Tracer <bullets at mail.com> wrote:
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: Ali Linx (amjjawad)
>> > Above all, none of us know how much RAM those users have.
>> Assume 128 MB.
>> That is what I had. And XP installed readily and NEVER crashed.
>> (Tho' it never RAN, it only "walked")
>> Browsing, emails, torrents, movies, music, ebook-readers... with
>> the overhead of Avast-Anti-virus.
>> Youtube ran on Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and NEVER crashed.
>> While W95, W97, W98 & W2k used to crash, requiring reinstalls like
>> once a week on an average, I installed XP only ONCE. Used 10 years.
>> I don't like Microsoft's attitude; I am quite disgusted by their
>> philosophy of change for the sake of change (and, ahem, profit)
>> but don't let my anti-MS jihad dwarf the fact that XP really WORKED.
>> This's hardly a platform for praise of XP ...except when it's a fact.
>> ("He who cares not to know the strength of his enemy shall soon
>> taste defeat" -Sun Tsu, The Art of War)
>> Exec Summary: XP users have HIGH expectations!
>> > We don't even know how many are they. We are so far basing our actions
>> on assuming this
>> > and that. No solid and fixed data yet and I guess we will never have
>> that.
>> > How Many Windows XP Users are having 256MB RAM or Less?
>> >
>> > 10%?
>> > 20%?
>> > 50%?
>> >
>> > I have no idea.
>> > I hope you see my point and what I'm trying to say here.
>> I do, but I dont like it at all.
>> That is how I would expect Bill Gates/Steve Jobs to think & talk.
>> Linux guys are ( should be ) more like Picasso/Rembrandt.
>> And the attitude inspired by Bhagwad Gita.
>> Exec Summary: Go by your conscience/passion, not repercussions.
>> PS : One bad apple...
>> Whether you let down 10% or 50% people, you have let down the
>> Lubuntu philosophy, and sold your soul.
>> > What is wrong with our current installer? :D
>> > It is really simply and beautiful :D
>> Hej! I'd think Bill Gates makes you say that!
>> Half of Puppy,Knoppix,Slax,BrowserLinux,Slitaz,Bodhi,Arch users
>> couldn't get Lubuntu installed, so they drifted to...
>> Exec Summary: Lubuntu is GOOD! ....Pity you can't install it.
>> > I think this will cost us time and extra work which unfortunately, no
>> one
>> > has :(
>> OMG! Do you read Scott Adams or does Scott Adams read you?
>> (Do you have pointy hair?!!)
>> Always, especially when resources are low, attack the BOTTLENECK!
>> Lubuntu is ALREADY good. It's been field tested since 04-2010!
>> Work on the INSTALLER or just release 10.04 to the XP users.
>> > We must not confuse them with multiple options. I'm very concern and
>> > worried about our Wiki Area. It must be as simple as pie if we really
>> > really want to have more users. Oh, in fact, as new comers, they might
>> not
>> > read :D I've seen some examples of some guys who need someone to come
>> and
>> > do the clicks for him while he sits back and watch :D we need to expect
>> > that level of users if we really want to make a huge success.
>> OHHHH, Sure, XP users come from Somalia, Sudan & Saudi!!!
>> Doh.
>> You are thinking of Mac, aren't you!
>> Windows users are pretty much up to speed.
>> In fact, installing software packages in Windows is MUCH
>> more difficult than using Synaptic! Starts with a Readme file!
>> ============================
>> Exec Summary: LISTEN TO NIO.
>> ============================
>> BR,
>> Tracey
> --
> "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> *Best Regards,*
> *amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
> *Start Ubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>
> *
> *My Own Business <http://alilinx.blogspot.com/>*
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