[Lubuntu-comms] The Story of Lubuntu
Nio Wiklund
nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 19:26:44 UTC 2013
This is a good description (but more specs than story).
I have one small detail: the lifetime is only 9 months of 13.04, I don't
know about 13.10, while it is still 18 months for 12.10-
Best regards
On 2013-06-26 20:53, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> Hi,
> *Part 1*
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
> The objective of the Lubuntu project is to create a variant of Ubuntu
> that is lighter, less resource hungry and more energy-efficient by using
> lightweight applications and LXDE, The Lightweight X11 Desktop
> Environment, as its default GUI.
> Lubuntu is targeted at PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware
> that, in most cases, just don't have enough resources for all the bells
> and whistles of the "full-featured" mainstream distributions. Members of
> the team take care of LXDE and other packages that are part of Lubuntu.
> Lubuntu received official recognition as a formal member of the Ubuntu
> family, commencing with Lubuntu 11.10.
> *Part 2*
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements
> (Lubuntu 13.04)
> We have done many tests and we've found out that Lubuntu can be
> installed on a Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MB of RAM, but such
> a system would not perform well enough for daily use.
> With 256MB - 384MB of RAM, the performance will be better and the system
> will be more usable.
> With 512MB of RAM, you don't need to worry much.
> The default "Desktop" installer requires 384-800 MB of RAM (depending on
> selected options.) If you have problems, please use the "Alternate"
> installer.
> *Part 3*
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Lubuntu_VS_Ubuntu
> Both Lubuntu and Ubuntu share Two Major Important Things:
> Same Core System
> Same Repositories
> Lubuntu and Ubuntu belong to the same family and talking about each as
> totally different two systems is not correct since they have some things
> in common. Thus, we use the same Forum Area and share many Wiki Pages.
> The differences between Lubuntu and Ubuntu are:
> Different DE - Lubuntu uses LXDE while Ubuntu uses Unity as the default DE.
> Different Default Applications
> Lubuntu 12.04 is not an LTS (5 years support), but a standard release
> that is supported for 18 months (if you would like to change this please
> feel free to contact the developers to offer assistance in this area).
It is only 9 months now.
> Other than that, they are the same. The DE is what makes Lubuntu a
> lightweight OS, and of course the selected applications too because we
> make sure to use the lightest applications which are not resource hungry.
> *End of Story*
> What is the point of the above?
> 1. If you disagree about any of the above points, please speak up :)
> 2. Having all the above said, please understand that Lubuntu is mainly
> for Old Machines[1] but can also be installed on New Ones.
> 3. Having all the above said, please understand that Lubuntu can not be
> installed on ALL kind of machines and hardware. There are limits.
> 4. Lubuntu Graphical Installer (Lubuntu Desktop ISO), as per our so
> many tests previously and recently, can not go under 256MB of RAM.
> 5. In order to install Lubuntu on machine with less than 256MB of RAM,
> please understand you need to go for either Lubuntu Alternate ISO or
> Ubuntu Mini ISO.
> 6. Please understand Lubuntu can be installed (case to case - rarely)
> on a machine with 64MB of RAM [2] and please understand, that system
> will not be usable at all.
> 7. If you are looking for the 'Minimum Prefect System Requirement' for
> Lubuntu, 512MB RAM is what you need to consider. With 512MB RAM, you
> can run almost anything and everything with less headache.
> 8. If you have 256MB RAM - 512MB RAM, you can use your system but don't
> expect a fast lightening system.
> 9. Please, do not evaluate Lubuntu System Requirement based on booting
> up the machine, logging to the desktop and leave the system idle and
> watch Conky, System Monitor, htop, top, or whatever tool you will
> use to check how much RAM the system is currently using. Lubuntu is
> an Operating System that will be used to perform certain tasks like:
> Browsing, Music, Videos, etc. So, judging Lubuntu from what RAM it
> will use while it is idle and does absolutely nothing, this is not
> correct at all.
> 10. Please understand, each Hardware may work differently with Lubuntu.
> IDE HDD is slower than SATA and SATA is slower than SDD. RAM has
> different speed. CPUs. Graphics Card. If Lubuntu will be installed
> on most of the hardware/machines, it may not on others.
> 11. No system is prefect, hence Lubuntu is not prefect.
> 12. Lubuntu is a Linux System and Linux is not Windows.
> 13. Lubuntu Team is active, powerful, etc but please understand we have
> very few developers and they do have Real Life and so much to deal
> with. Above all, each and every member of Lubuntu are doing what
> they are doing on volunteer basis. No one is getting paid. Lubuntu
> does not pay anyone's bill. We do love Lubuntu and therefore, we
> contribute to it.
> 14. One of the best features a Lubuntu User has is: Try Lubuntu Without
> Installation - http://i43.tinypic.com/e18c3d.jpg
> 15. Please understand Lubuntu Desktop ISO is for New Users to
> Linux/Lubuntu AND those with machines capable of running a graphical
> installer.
> 16. Please understand that Lubuntu Alternate ISO is used when you have
> some problems with Graphics Card. New Linux/Lubuntu Users need a bit
> of guidance for such kind of installation. Alternate ISO uses Debian
> Installer. Also, if you have less than 256MB-512MB RAM, the
> Alternate ISO is the way to go.
> 17. Please understand there is a 3rd type of ISO and approach that you
> can use to install Lubuntu which is Ubuntu mini ISO
> - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD -- you
> need to understand this is not for New Linux/Lubuntu Users unless
> someone will take the time to explain in details to them
> - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall
> 18. Having all the above said, if you don't like these basics facts of
> Lubuntu, then probably Lubuntu is not the best choice for you.
> 19. You need to understand that Lubuntu Team cares a lot about users'
> feedback but you also need to understand that Lubuntu's Philosophy
> will have the highest priority. Having that said, we usually take
> lots of notes and apply them to our system if and only if these
> notes/feedback will improve the system - just like what happened
> recently by adding zRAM to Lubuntu 13.10 development cycle. However,
> we can't for example, add LibreOffice.
> 20. Last but not least, Lubuntu is a Community System above any other
> consideration. It is build by the collaboration of each and every
> member of the team. Developers, Testers, Wiki Editors, Advocates ,
> etc. All of them work so hard to, on volunteer basis, to give us
> such system. "All of us are smarter than any one of us!". Please,
> make sure to respect that. It is totally fine to disagree with
> anyone but please, don't disrespect.
> Thank you!
> P.S.
> I don't know about you but for me, I would use this as an introduction
> tool for new comers :)
> [1] - YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) when it comes to define the limits
> and bounders of Old Machine. There is no precious specific text that can
> define that. The system itself has no precious specific hardware
> requirement. Case to case. You can always TRY Lubuntu without
> Installation :) this is the best feature which will tell you where to go
> and what to do.
> [2]
> - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1590614&page=16&p=11832431#post11832431
> --
> "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> *Best Regards,*
> *amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
> *Start Ubuntu
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartUbuntu>*
> *My Own Business <http://alilinx.blogspot.com/>*
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