lubuntu 13.04: mouse middle button missing features

Iberê Fernandes ibere.fernandes at
Sun Jun 2 15:39:16 UTC 2013

Hi Nio,

Thank you for taking some time to respond.

Find my comments below between your paragraphs.

Hi Iberę,
> I have no wireless mouse, but my wired mouse works as it should, I
> booted into 13.04 now and tested marking and pasting with a 'middle'
> click. And it switches workspaces as is should (I did not test in the
> browser).
> I run 12.04.2 LTS as my production system 'my workhorse'.

Me too. The only difference is that my Lubuntu 12.04 on the other
production laptop is not LTS yet.

> So I think that somehow the developer of the new mouse driver in 13.04
> has forgotten your particular wireless mouse.

I have never thought of that possibility. Thanks for bringing that to the
conversation! I switched mices (grabbed a wired one Basic MS Optical Mouse
v.1.0A and a MS Wireless  Mobile Mouse 1000) and both worked as expected on
L13.04. Now I know that testing a new OS version is something much more
complex than testing a web product. Thank you for enlightening that side!

> You need to consider all pros and cons between the old system and the
> new one before upgrading, at least until the old system's end of life.
> It is good to test live (booted from a USB drive) before upgrading to a
> new version.
> In this case end of life of Lubuntu 12.04 is October 2013. Then you can
> consider (among Ubuntu's light-weight flavours)
> - Xubuntu 12.04 or 12.04.2 LTS with end of life in April 2015 or
> - Lubuntu 13.04 fake-PAE with end of life in January 2014 or
> - Lubuntu 13.10 fake-PAE with end of life in July 2014

I'm not sure if L13.10 will make production once I have read that Julien
might be considering "jump" 13.10 to make a great 14.04 LTS (I do expect
that version too! I prefer LTS versions)

> - Lubuntu and Xubuntu 12.10 (and fix fake-PAE yourself with my help if
> necessary) with end of life April 2014.
> To be honest, if you have important regressions with new Lubuntu
> versions and your hardware, I think that Xubuntu 12.04 or 12.04.2 LTS
> will be good alternatives in October (the subrelease 12.04.2 comes with
> a new kernel that might or might not recognize your mouse). Not as fast
> as Lubuntu, but it is getting well debugged and polished as a long time
> support version.

Now that I know  it's a mouse driver support specific to MS Wireless Mouse
3500 and this laptop is my kids laptop used to play Gcompris and other
Linux games, I'd say it's not  a huge regression to me. When I use this
laptop, I'll remember to open a new web link by clicking Ctrl + left mouse

As a matter of fact, I only upgraded so soon to L13.04 fake-pae grun-n-iso
on this Celeron M 1200Mhz because:

1) i was worried with the future Linux support for this old machine (old,
but still beloved);
2) i tested xubuntu on this laptop, but it's not smooth as lubuntu is in
such a "beloved" system.
3) you kindly provided the fake-pae solution and in order to help me and
help the community with data, I decided to go directly to this version.

Anyway, no problem now. The beauty of Linux is that we learn a LOT from
issues we think they are supposed to be simple. The more I use Lubuntu, the
more I'm sure it was a good decision to migrate from Windows OSs.

Thank you for sharing your enlightening thoughts!

> Next LTS release date, in April 2014, Lubuntu plans to get LTS status
> too, so I'm looking forward to Lubuntu 14.04 LTS :-)
> -o-
> I have not much experience in mouse bindings and configuration of X, so
> I hope someone else will respond to that part of the question.
> Best regards
> Nio
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