Lubuntu Manual - Getting Started With Lubuntu

Tong Sun suntong at
Sat Jun 1 03:56:06 UTC 2013

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at>wrote:

> As far as I can see, Mallard is primarily intended for online browseable
> documentation, with output to other offline formats being secondary.
> LaTeX appears to be the other way around in terms of its priorities.

While I was following the thread, I couldn't help but attempting to
recommend something else -- asciidoc from, because
after all, when writing, the main focus should be on the content, and if
the formatting is getting into the way of documentation, then that's a sign
of bad choice.

Hope that I am not shooting myself in the foot to recommend asciidoc,
because you are writing in (almost) plain text and have all sort of tools
to post-process for you, be it doc-book, or latex, to produce anything,
html file, pdf files, slides, etc, etc.

What prompted me to the recommendation is that, today I noticed on
the asciidoc mlist (, the Mallard
is now supported as another asciidoc backend, just like the doc-book/latex
does. Hope that could make LUbuntu documentation a bit easier.
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