Lubuntu alternative sessions script

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at
Sat Jul 6 01:34:23 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013, at 07:17 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:

> This is currently only a 'proof of concept' based on OSX, The more
> pressing issue is for an XP variant.

Go for it, create one, to show us what you mean :)  The whole point of
my supplying the original script was that others can build on it.  If
Federico likes the OSX look, and you like the XP look, you can each
create pretty Lubuntu GUIs to look exactly the way you want Lubuntu to
look. That's the point here.  People can choose which look they prefer.

> the script (and REQUIRED) md5sum is now available at

Why did it move from a more-official site to a less-official one (while
I was away because the medical profession was doing nasty things to me)?
Is there benefit to that?  It's a pain when stuff moves around.  Leave
it in one place, so all interest parties can find it and use it and
create more variants of it.  Leave it on a wiki so everyone interested
can contribute their own "improved" versions, such as your own XP one :)
If you want to maintain a database of md5sums for 20 variations of the
script for different looks... OK :)

And yes, since it is a script, reading it before running it, so you know
what it will do, is mandatory if you care about your machine -- but this
is true for all scripts and commands posted online, whether on the web,
wiki, email, forums, pastebin or IRC!  Use common sense.

This script is no more or less of a script that any other, and so is no
more or less dangerous than any other.  Treat it as you would any other
script found online -- read it first, only run it if you understand it.
It is suitable for experimenters, not the general public, at this stage.

  Jonathan Marsden
  jmarsden at

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