Lubuntu alternative sessions script

Federico Leoni effelle at
Fri Jul 5 00:50:26 UTC 2013

@Julien Lavergne: You right, a package would be a better choice, but
I'm afraid for now I can offer just a dirty worked script. I'm doing
this on my spare time, so give me the time to learn how to do better
things like packages. Then for now I'll continue to create sessions
using my script as a base, if you let me. :)
You wrote you are working on lxsession... That involves applets on
lxpanel too? What I really miss is the ability to mix launcher with
open windows. A sum of Application Launch Bar applet and Task Bar
(Windows list) applet. Exactly what a dock do.

@Jonathan Marsden: I don't know if is possible avoid the use of an
external dock for Lubuntu-OSX due of the high level of eye candy
required (shadows are mandatory I think). Probably will be possible
for W7 or WXP sessions. Anyway I'm experimenting other light docks too
that work without composite manager but are less configurable or need
some more skills to tweak it. An example? Plank, from ElementaryOS, is
less configurable  (via .conf files) and his ability to change themes
works just if you enable a CM. As I wrote for Julien we miss a typical
dock configuration on lxpanel.

@Ali Linx:
Well, don't know if a specific team is a good idea o not but I like to
share infos and brainstorming is indeed a good thing. We just need to
remember that additional sessions are off the standard configuration,
are just a plus to add to help people migrate from other OS. I
personally like the superlight interface we have now but I understand
people who like to have something more, even if just for impress
friends like with a new car. I think you all understand what I mean.


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