Lubuntu alternative sessions script

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at
Thu Jul 4 18:05:27 UTC 2013


On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 6:33 AM, Federico Leoni <effelle at> wrote:

> Folks,
> after a consultation with other members of the list I prepared a
> preliminary script based on the sample offered by Jonathan to let users
> easily create new sessions in Lubuntu to change the visual of the DE and
> have a more "Eye-Candy" desktop for those who have problems to migrate from
> other OS.
> I'm aware is not what a linux power user wants but I know many people
> asking for that.
> The script and a brief explanation is available on Ubuntu Wiki.
> I hope you will appreciate the effort.
> F.
> Note: English is not my primary language, forgive me if made some mistakes.

Hello and welcome to our community :)

Thank you for choosing Lubuntu and for sharing your work and for trying to
help those who are looking for something specific :) we do appreciate that.

Allow me to introduce myself -

I second what Leszek Lesner mentioned and I see you already removed it :)

I also second the creation of PPA so that a user who is interested, can add
this PPA and enjoy what he/she is looking for.

If I may, I'd like to state some feedback about the Wiki Page:

First of all, I'm not sure if that was the best place/path but it is easy
to move or correct that so no big deal :)

Second of all, which is much more important than the first point: I totally
understand English is not your first language, same here by the way. But,
can we PLEASE avoid words like "pain in the ..."? this is for sure, not
appropriate on the Wiki Area :)
Such language can be found on Facebook, emails to a friend, etc but not on
the Wiki Page, please!

I can edit any Wiki Page but I thought to bring this to the discussion so
everyone else knows it is bad idea to include such terms.

Also, you may also need to remove Jonathan's email and replace it with:

Good luck and I'm looking forward for an PPA so that I can start testing
that ;)


"All of us are smarter than any one of us."

*Best Regards,*
*amjjawad <>*
*Start Ubuntu<>
*My Own Business <>*
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