Calendar/PIM recommendations/evaluations?

Aere Greenway Aere at
Tue Jan 15 01:45:58 UTC 2013

On 01/14/2013 10:14 AM, John Hupp wrote:
> On 1/14/2013 11:29 AM, Aere Greenway wrote:
>> On 01/14/2013 08:51 AM, Chris Green wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 10:37:43AM -0500, John Hupp wrote:
>>>>     I'm looking for calendar or personal information manager 
>>>> recommendations
>>>>     and evaluations.  Overall recommendations (preferably with any
>>>>     deficiencies noted), or what other programs are nice except for 
>>>> this or
>>>>     that problem.
>>> I have spent many fruitless hours looking for calendar/PIM and have
>>> never found anything particularly satisfactory.  What I have wound up
>>> with at present is as follows:-
>>>      I use reminderfox (a Firefox addon) for entering important 
>>> repeating
>>>      reminders such as tax return dates (I run a small business).  I 
>>> have
>>>      a small python script that uses the file produced by 
>>> reminderfox to
>>>      pop up a warning message in my panel (using Generic Monitor) when
>>>      events due in a few days. The panel message turns red when it's 
>>> only
>>>      three days or less away.
>>>      For addresses and recording of things like dogs vaccinations,
>>>      payments, etc. I have given up using anything clever and they live
>>>      in text files.  The command line utilites (like grep and awk) 
>>> are so
>>>      good that finding things is very easy.  My addresses for 
>>> example are
>>>      in text file(s) with 6 lines per entry, I have a bash script to 
>>> find
>>>      entries:-
>>>          #!/bin/bash
>>>          #
>>>          #
>>>          # Address finding and editing program
>>>          #
>>>          if [ $1 == '-e' ]
>>>          then
>>>              if [ ${#2} == 1 ]
>>>              then
>>>                  vi ~/.addresses/$2
>>>              else
>>>                  vi -c/$2 `grep -l $2 ~/.addresses/*`
>>>              fi
>>>          else
>>>              echo
>>>              grep -h -A 5 $1 ~/.addresses/*
>>>          fi
>>>      So to find an address I just enter 'a Fred' at the command line 
>>> and
>>>      any/all addresses for people with Fred in their name are listed.
>>>>     I'm vaguely aware that there has been some controversy 
>>>> regarding the
>>>>     Lubuntu email programs, so the same input is welcome on that 
>>>> topic.
>>> I use mutt (command line junkie that I am).
>> Chris:
>> I recently switched from using Evolution mail, to Thunderbird mail.
>> That is working fine, so far, and I like it better.  The downside is 
>> I have no way to migrate my former e-mails (which go back many years, 
>> for the important ones).  I am living with that, because I can just 
>> fire-up Evolution mail, and access all of the old e-mails.
>> One thing Thunderbird didn't seem to have (that Evolution had), is 
>> the calendar functionality.
>> I originally used Osmo which seems to be installed by default.  It 
>> seemed to work, though its functionality seemed minimal, to me.
>> I then discovered that Thunderbird mail has calendar functionality, 
>> which is available as a plug-in.
>> I was hesitant to use it, since I had seen some bad reviews about it, 
>> but I tried it anyway, and have yet to have any problems with it.
>> Be aware that my experience is using Lubuntu 12.10.
> On Windows, Thunderbird has several documented font bugs in the HTML 
> composer which frequently results in sent mail that has a mixture of 
> font sizes (often switching at the point where the writer backspaced, 
> corrected something, moved to another place in the body to insert 
> something, or pasted in some text).  Yet everything looks fine to the 
> writer during composition.  It is only when a reply is received that 
> one becomes aware that the sender received mail that looks like it was 
> written by a child.  Maddening, embarrassing and unprofessional.
> Are these bugs not manifested on Linux/Lubuntu?

I have an e-mail I sent to the Rosegarden Developers e-mail list (using 
Thunderbird mail), as part of reporting a problem, that e-mail was 
echoed back to me (as a member of the list), so I could see it.

In that e-mail, I marked the computer output in at least two different 
places by changing the font to Courier New.

What came back to me (because I am a member of the e-mail list) looks 
the same as what I saw when I edited it.

Perhaps the problem reported in Windows does not occur in Linux/Lubuntu.

If you have a description of a test I could do, I would be glad to test it.


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