Lubuntu Staging PPA

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Fri Aug 16 04:22:39 UTC 2013

Interesting thread :-)

I'm looking forward to 14.04 and hope that Lubuntu will get 5 years of
long time support, and that quite a lot of efforts will be made to keep
drivers for old hardware as well as new features and drivers for new

Best regards

On 2013-08-16 03:47, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi Ronnie,
> the devs did not actually want a 13.10, it was desired that we skipped
> it and concentrated on the 14.04 LTS. With the changes in support time
> for desktop systems it became apparent that we must do so, else our
> 13.04 release would go EOL (End Of Life) before 14.04 LTS was released.
> This is an inconvienence which has been accepted and embraced. 13.10
> will be fully stable (what else would you expect?). Such timings are
> also apparent to us in XP going EOL shortly before 13.10 is released....
> Talk about timing!!!! There is an upcoming v-UDS[1] which I am sure that
> our head of dev will hold a session on. There is also an area
> 'lubuntu-brainstorming' [2] that is structured to allow 'wish lists' to
> be created, discussed on and then proposed to the dev team. There are
> currently some RL things also going on, which is why that area is not
> yet 'live'. 
> Be patient, all roads are set up to lead to 14.04 LTS. I'm sure you will
> agree that the devs concentrating their long term goals to 14.04 LTS
> whilst ensuring we have a rock solid stable 13.10 is the correct decision.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> 1.
> 2.
> On 16 August 2013 01:36, Mr Wislr <contact at
> <mailto:contact at>> wrote:
>     perhaps a progression of testing ppa wouldn't be so bad, sorta like the
>     'steps' of debian, where users could test and or use different stages
>     of testing packages and a packages progression could be measured by the
>     sheer number of submitted / known bugs. The fewer reports for a certain
>     period of time grants a step to the next phase to 'stable'
>     i'm sure there are a thousands different things just like what i
>     described and i remember things back in the day working very similarly
>     i figured the lubuntu staging ppa was the same, i guess things have
>     changed regarding the testing process.
>     --Ronnie
> -- 

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