[Lubuntu-qa] make new Lubuntu versions cooperate with Pentium M

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 22:44:46 UTC 2013

Hello guys :D

Time for me to speak my mind ;)

I don't know why until now, we can't come to an agreement about this.

May I be extra honest with all of you?
FOR ME, and I speak only on my behalf, I think Lubuntu 12.04 is 90% an LTS
release. Why? please read this:


KEEP IN MIND, PLEASE ... that I'm not a developer, not even close. However,
If the chart on my link is wrong, please speak up now :)

Having that said, I would not bother to find any solution for this issue.
We have a lot of work ahead of us and IMHO, if I may to state that, why to
fix it if it is not broken yet?

IMHO, yet again, if Lubuntu 12.04 can already breathe new life into these
machines because The Linux Kernel in Lubuntu 12.04 is NON-PAE Kernel +
Lubuntu 12.04 CORE SYSTEM is the same as Ubuntu 12.04 CORE SYSTEM = LTS ...
then everything is already fine :D

The reason why I installed Lubutnu 10.04 on my test subject and sent an
email about that 2-3 weeks ago, is to monitor this issue. To see how much
impact could happen when your base/core system is updated but others parts
are not.

I HAVE NO IDEA why we can't call Lubuntu 12.04 an LTS but if you ask me, it
is unofficially an LTS version but again, I'm not a developer :)

On the other hand, why to go: Mini ISO + whatever package since Lubuntu
12.04 offers everything one could need?

For me? I would go for Lubuntu 12.04 on my old machine (which doesn't work
with other systems, such us Lubuntu 12.10 and later) and stick with that.
For how long one can expect these machines will work? above all, it is an
old machine running a system made in April 2012 :D
I mean, COME ONE GUYS :D why we always want to go "Latest Release" even on
very very old machines? :D

I'm looking forward to see a unique and masterpiece release after a year
from now. Let's save each and every energy to achieve that.

Also, if you guys really like this:
We should start discussing it.
Clock is ticking :D

Thank you!

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Julien,
> Now, that we have launched Raring, it's time to start thinking about the
> future of Lubuntu :-)
> One thing that I hope we can achieve, is to make the next version able
> to cooperate with Pentium M, that has no pae flag, but still the ability
> to run i686-pae kernels of *ubuntu.
> I have verified that it works for me in an IBM Thinkpad T42 to use the
> fake-pae method for Pentium M CPUs by 7bit according to this link
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2113826
> This is good, but it would be great if this feature could be included in
> Lubuntu, so that people can install a new version directly, and avoid
> installing 12.04, add the fake-pae and upgrade to newer versions.
> *I hope you know whom to ask about the details, where and how the pae
> feature is checked*
> I'm prepared to use my Thinkpad for testing, but I don't know enough to
> find and change the code in Lubuntu.
> Maybe I can even try to compile the crucial package(s), if someone can
> hold my hands until I get the tools installed to do it (compilers,
> makefiles, source code packages etc.)
> --
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*Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
Start Lubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu#The_Huge_Project_-_Start_Lubuntu>
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