make new Lubuntu versions cooperate with Pentium M

Julien Lavergne gilir at
Sun Apr 28 09:48:16 UTC 2013

As far as I know, the solution proposed in the thread is not suitable
for everyone, because it sets the pae flag for every CPU, even the
ones which not supported pae.

The proper fix, if those CPU effectively support pae (which I'm not
very sure, regarding the speed issues reported some time on the
thread), is to report a bug on the kernel, so it can set properly the
pae flag itself.

Julien Lavergne

2013/4/25 Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at>:
> Hi Julien,
> Now, that we have launched Raring, it's time to start thinking about the
> future of Lubuntu :-)
> One thing that I hope we can achieve, is to make the next version able
> to cooperate with Pentium M, that has no pae flag, but still the ability
> to run i686-pae kernels of *ubuntu.
> I have verified that it works for me in an IBM Thinkpad T42 to use the
> fake-pae method for Pentium M CPUs by 7bit according to this link
> This is good, but it would be great if this feature could be included in
> Lubuntu, so that people can install a new version directly, and avoid
> installing 12.04, add the fake-pae and upgrade to newer versions.
> *I hope you know whom to ask about the details, where and how the pae
> feature is checked*
> I'm prepared to use my Thinkpad for testing, but I don't know enough to
> find and change the code in Lubuntu.
> Maybe I can even try to compile the crucial package(s), if someone can
> hold my hands until I get the tools installed to do it (compilers,
> makefiles, source code packages etc.)

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