[Tip] scrot

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 10:44:45 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

Hope the testing of Lubuntu 13.04 is keeping everyone busy :D enjoy and
have fun with it ;)

This is a Tip that could be obvious and old for some but I guess some other
haven't heard about it. I got a question on our Community on Google+ [1]
asking about it so I thought it's good to share it here for those who don't
like Social Networks ;)

*Lubuntu, my default, has an application to take Screenshots. When you
press "Prt Scr" on your Keyboard, you are taking a screenshot using "scrot"
in Lubuntu and the screenshot will be saved on your Home Folder.*

There is a nice link [2] or article I found which is talking about "scrot"
and it has some useful information.

The most interested part is: the delay for 5 seconds for example.

>From LXTerminal:

*scrot -d 5*

So, I find it really useful to use the default application rather than
installing something else, say "gnome-screenshot" :)

Hope that is a bit helpful :)


[1] - https://plus.google.com/communities/102737741860934586009

[2] -

*Best Regards,
Lubuntu One Stop Thread <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1844755>| My
Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/%7Eamjjawad> | My Ubuntu Forum
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