Question about migration GTK2 -> GTK3

PCMan at
Sat Sep 29 19:40:43 UTC 2012

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Julien Lavergne <gilir at> wrote:
> Le 09/29/2012 03:34 PM, Alexander Andjelkovic a écrit :
>> Chromium hasn't started migrating yet afaik, but how is the status on
>> pcmanfm and lxpanel? Do we have any realistic ETA for these two apps
>> or is the status "ready when it's ready"?
> There is a work in progress for the filemanager, an available version
> may be available for testing in a "not so long delay"
> For lxpanel, no real ETA so far.
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne

About the file manager, the current code of libfm and pcmanfm in git
can be compiled against gtk+ 3 already.
It's less well-tested and contained some potential bugs, though.
Developers are encouraged to test them but they're not ready for production use.
Regarding to the panel, the old lxpanel is not compatible with gtk+3.
A replacement done with full gtk+ 3 support, lxpanel2, is still a work
in progress and it's not yet usable.
I worked in the emergency room this month and is really busy.
Next month, I'll get some free time for lxpanel2.


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