[Lubuntu] Progress on playing a CD?

John Hupp jdhupp at prpcompany.com
Tue Sep 18 01:37:57 UTC 2012

I just now ran the reverse experiment and installed Audacious and VLC on 

Once you choose Audacious from the medium-inserted popup, it constructs 
a playlist and starts playing.  However, it started playing track 10 
instead of track 1.  And it wasn't able to pick up the artist and title 
for the CD I was testing.  But at least it gets to first base and starts 
playing the CD, which it didn't do on Lubuntu without the further arcane 

For VLC, once it was chosen from the popup, it simply started playing.  
But there was no playlist display.  However, it did correctly pick up 
the current track title and display the info in the window's title bar.  
This seems to be the same behavior it has in Windows.

Rhythmbox had the best behavior of all: It started playing Track 1 after 
correctly constructing the playlist.

But in all 3 cases, the apps did start playing the CD, which they don't 
on Lubuntu.  PCManFM implicated?

On 9/17/2012 8:51 PM, John Hupp wrote:
> Since Rhythmbox works so nicely on Edubuntu, I installed it on Lubuntu 
> to see how it would behave compared to the other players I tested.
> The answer is -- worse!  After the "Removable medium is inserted - 
> Type of medium: audio CD - Please select the action you want to 
> perform" popup appears and I select Rhythmbox, nothing at all 
> happens.  At least with Audacious, VLC and Gnome Mplayer, the player 
> interface comes up.
> Though I'll add that I can start Rhythmbox from the main menu and 
> select the Audio CD source from its UI to play a CD.
> Karl Anliot wonders if PCManFM is not also implicated here in the 
> question of getting CD's to play by launching apps from the 
> Removable-medium-inserted popup.  What do you all think?
> On 9/17/2012 7:48 PM, Karl Anliot wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:45 PM, John Hupp<lubuntu at prpcompany.com>  wrote:
>>> Thanks for the tip about ubuntu-bug, Phill.  I didn't realize that there was
>>> such a tool to handle the gathering of background details.
>>> OK, done on the bug filings:
>>> Audacious:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/1052163
>>> VLC:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/1052170
>>> Gnome Mplayer:
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/1052177
>>> --John Hupp
>>> On 9/16/2012 2:29 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> you have three different bugs with three different applications. I know this
>>> may seem a pain, but raise one bug for each player. There is work going on
>>> with other player bugs, so it will help out.
>>> thanks,
>>> Phill.
>>> On 16 September 2012 17:31, John Hupp<lubuntu at prpcompany.com>  wrote:
>>>> That raises the question of what to file the bug report against.
>>>> -----------------
>>>> With Audacious, the inelegant process goes this way: Insert CD, the popup
>>>> with "Removable medium is inserted - Type of medium: audio CD - Please
>>>> select the action you want to perform" appears, select Audacious.  Audacious
>>>> opens.  Click the Play button.  Nothing happens.  But in the menus, then
>>>> choose Services: Play CD, and it constructs a playlist and starts the first
>>>> track.
>>>> With VLC, after choosing VLC in the popup and clicking the Play button in
>>>> VLC, another window appears where one must click the Disc tab, choose Audio
>>>> CD, then click the Play button in that window.
>>>> (I also find that VLC is more memory-sensitive than Audacious.  Audacious
>>>> performance for CD play is smooth on a machine with 386 MB, but VLC is
>>>> choppy/stuttering badly and is not happy with less than 512 MB.)
>>>> With Gnome Mplayer, after choosing it in the popup and clicking the Play
>>>> button, mplayer generated a crash error.  But after closing the error
>>>> window, the Mplayer window still seemed responsive, and it appeared that one
>>>> would play a CD after choosing the menu item Services: Play CD, but in this
>>>> post-crash instance nothing happened.
>>>> -----------------
>>>> I make those observations because this issue does not seem to be an
>>>> application-level problem.  In Edubuntu, one inserts a CD, chooses Rhythmbox
>>>> from the popup, the app opens, constructs the playlist and begins playing.
>>>> In short, once you have told it to play a CD with Rhythmbox, it does so.
>>>> Suggestions then, for what to file a bug report against?
>>>> On 9/12/2012 3:34 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> thanks for raising the issue, it gives me a clear chance to let you know
>>>> that the devs only react to bug reports [1]. We have few devs and too many
>>>> ways of people complaining about issues, please do take the time to raise a
>>>> bug report. The below link takes you through how to do it.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Phill.
>>>> 1.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Reporting_Bugs
>>>> On 12 September 2012 19:16, John Hupp<lubuntu at prpcompany.com>  wrote:
>>>>> Has there ever been any more progress on making it easy to play an audio
>>>>> CD in Lubuntu?
>>>>> Here is a good explanation of the obscure method one must currently use
>>>>> to play a disc (in VLC, but the same for other players as far as I can
>>>>> tell):
>>>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11334425&postcount=8
>>>>> I understand that the difficulty lies in the audio CD format not being an
>>>>> actual file system, but in short, one currently has to explicitly open the
>>>>> disc in the player even after choosing a player in the auto-play popup.  I
>>>>> read that Ubuntu accomplishes Windows-like simplicity in this regard, and it
>>>>> would be nice if users didn't need a How-To in order to play a CD.
>>>>> (And before I even got to this point, I had to overcome the obstacle that
>>>>> I couldn't even open the drive.  Pressing the open button got no response -
>>>>> the drive appeared to be dead.  This turned out to be a user privileges
>>>>> issue.  The default user privileges established when one installs Lubuntu
>>>>> don't grant permission for this.)
>>>>> --
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>> John, I'm reading your bugs and I'm thinking you should have filed one
>> bug against PCManFM, or whatever is launching the audio CD function.
>> Anyhow good job.  You should review the wiki, love to have more feedback.

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