sylpheed goodness

maps.backward at
Sat Sep 29 06:06:50 UTC 2012

It's not every day I have something nice to say about Sylpheed (it's rare) but I found a solution to a problem I've been trying to figure out for a while. I've heard rumblings about SMTP-specific accounts with Claws but that didn't seem to exist in Sylpheed and seemed funky anyways. I tried to figure it out to no avail but today I actually had a gestalt moment and came to the realization that the solution is actually quite easy.

The problem: how to reply as a different email address, as you can with aliases in Gmail or identities in Thunderbird.

The solution: assuming you've selected the appropriate account, go to Configuration → Preferences for current account… → Basic → Personal Information → Mail Address and change this to the different email address (the one you don't log in with). Your receive settings below should reflect the address you use to login. SMTP should be automatic and will use these settings. If you're starting with setting the account up, use your login email address and then make that change. Do NOT start the other way around or you'll have to edit a bunch of stuff.

Hope that helps someone!

Meanwhile, as the documentation page on the wiki has changed SO MUCH For the better, I'm not sure where to put this little nugget. Karl, et al, if you could offer some advice, I'd appreciate it. 


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