Video Player change proposel

Jean-Pierre Vidal Piesset jpxsat at
Tue Sep 11 02:57:40 UTC 2012

2012/9/10 Karl Anliot <kanliot at>

> I'm finding more bugs with gnome-mplayer in 12.10.
> So as of the current version in 12.10 daily, it freezes every time I
> open "preferences"
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Could we make a poll of what should be better to use? I'm aware of
consistency issues with VLC, but with a nice GTK theme that integrates QT,
it behaves very fast. Additionally, is quite one of the biggest media
players in the open source world, and is cross-platform... so a lot of
users coming from windows could find theirs favourite apps out of the box
(chromium and vlc)
Plus I must say that in my old pentium 3 (1000mhz & 512ram & 8mb video) VLC
behaves splendid, did a lot of tests to see if Gnome-Mplayer behave better
but nothing really noticeable (vlc even performed better). Additionally, is
an incredible well-maintained project with lots of support, so never again
we should see things like what's happening with our actual player in
Lubuntu 12.04 (and apparently in 12.10 too)

-- jpxsat
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