A question

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 9 22:39:25 UTC 2012

On 09/09/12 22:48, Ron Mitchell wrote:
> Is it to be expected that the average newbie Lubuntu user will be capable of 'tweaking' the system when it fails to install properly?
Not really.  That's why we need people such as your self to test this 
sort of thing and try to get it sorted before release.

> Ubuntu and its derivatives have built an excellent reputation over the years as being a distro of Linux that does not require a special knowledge of what goes on under the hood. And yet it seems, in the real world, there are times when such knowledge would be quite helpful.
> Having attended a fair number of Linux User Group meetings over the years, I know that some users come to these groups hoping for something that will "just work" right out of the box. That is perhaps a little unrealistic. However, with respect to my latest adventure with xorg.conf, I did get one message that basically assumed that I knew the correct answer, and that the xorg.conf file I used was 'garbage'.
> (See comments under bug report 1044180)
> Just curious, so I'm asking.
> Ron Mitchell
Comments like 'The xorg.conf files on that site are garbage' are not 
really useful to anybody.  It's a solution, it may not be the best 
solution,  to a problem and it works, so it can't be garbage.
One of the biggest problems is testing as many variations as possible of 
hardware.  That's why the more testers the better, but this can result 
in a flood of information to the devs. and make problem solving harder.
Occasionally there will be something that requires some twiddling and 
tweaking to get working because the majority requires one setting which 
will conflict with some other hardware.

Keep on testing and try to make tjings easier for everybody :)

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