AMD64+mac desktop build Sept 7 2012 - Test case doesn't match

Aere Greenway Aere at
Sat Sep 8 04:31:28 UTC 2012


It seems there is a graphical display of the partitions it finds, and
you can drag the dividing line between two partitions.  

I know I've done that when installing alongside Windows.  But I haven't
had occasion to do that for a long time.  It seems there was an "Install
alongside xxxxx" option.  

Strictly speaking for myself, as a user, I almost always use the manual
partitioning option.  

I set up a common (fat32) partition, which contains music & pictures,
which is mounted on each partition when it boots (Windows as well).  

Then I have two linux partitions - one for my new system, and one for my
old system.  When I become confident with my new system, I "transfer my
flag" from the old linux partition to the new linux partition.  

When I install a newer system, I install it over the top of my old linux

The process repeats with each Linux release.  

- Aere

On Sat, 2012-09-08 at 04:02 +0000, Ron Mitchell wrote:

> The test case uri-001 for Lubuntu Amd64+Mac (build of Sept 7 2012) differs from what I'm actually seeing on the screen as I attempt to install. In this case I was attempting to install Lubuntu alongside SuSE Linux 12 which was already installed. As I read it, I'm supposed to be able to install Lubuntu alonside another operating system, splitting hard drive space between them with a slider. 
> The Lubuntu installer provides no such option. It simply offers a choice to either erase everything on the disk, or manually change existing partions.
> Wondering if I'm missing something. It seems to me that the test case is written for an Ubuntu installation and parts of it do not apply to Lubuntu. 
> For the time being, I'm reluctant to either pass or fail the test case. Surely this issue has been raised before.
> Any comments would be appreciated.
> -- 
> Ron Mitchell <rm2892 at>


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