Incomplete shutdown on some LTSP clients (shutdown hangs/freezes)

John Hupp lubuntu at
Sun Sep 2 19:27:45 UTC 2012

So is it time to file a bug report on this?

Trying to go through channels as instructed at, I emailed the ACPI 
maintainer (lenb at on 8/27, but have had no response.  Of 
course, my report format was not as specified there, but as a non-dev 
and Linux newbie I did the best I could to be thorough.

If it is time for that, I would appreciate it if someone who has the 
knowledge and experience to do a proper job of it would take the helm.  
Although if it turns out that documenting the problem such as I have 
done in these email posts is sufficient, then I'm willing.

As I see it, the problem is now summarized:

- On some machines running Ubuntu/Edubuntu/Lubuntu/Kubuntu 12.04 either 
as standalone desktops or as LTSP clients, the shutdown process hangs 
either at a console window (the right term?) after reporting "System 
halted," or "SysRq : Power Off ..... Power down," or else at a blank 
all-black or all-white screen.  Which particular way it hangs is 
dependent on the distro and on the machine hardware.

- Since the problem also occurs with Kubuntu, it does not seem to be 

- At least on one such machine so affected, no change of BIOS settings 
("ACPI Aware O/S: No/Yes" or "Power Management/APM: Disabled/Enabled") 
affected the behavior.

- Other users report that shutdown worked properly in some previous 
version of *buntu, but the reports vary some on which version last worked.

I would add my understanding that does 
not refer to this problem, but instead refers somehow to the current 
tedious shutdown behavior where one has to click Main Menu: Shutdown, 
then from a dialog window click Shutdown again, and then from the login 
window click Preferences: Shutdown.

On 9/2/2012 2:51 PM, John Hupp wrote:
> I downloaded Kubuntu 12.04 and made a Live DVD.
> On one of the clients with the shutdown problem, I booted the Live 
> DVD.  I didn't have a working pointer (500 MHz Celeron and 256 MB, so 
> maybe not enough resources), but the "sudo poweroff" command from a 
> console window resulted in shutdown hanging after "System halted" was 
> reported onscreen, and I had to force the machine off.
> I take it that this confirms it is not a Gnome-specific problem.
> ----------------------------
> I also played with the BIOS Power Control settings.  For "ACPI Aware 
> O/S: Yes/No" and "Power Management/APM: Enabled/Disabled."  I tried 
> all four permutations of settings and all resulted in the same hung 
> shutdown.
> There was also "Power Button Function: On/Off," "Suspend Time Out: 
> Enabled/Disabled" and <various devices>: "Monitor/Ignore," but I took 
> those to be irrelevant.
> On 9/2/2012 1:22 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
>> Nicholas:
>> I don't think Kubuntu would run on a 450 megahertz, 512 RAM machine, 
>> though they have improved it this last release, so perhaps I should 
>> try it.
>> I do run Xubuntu on it, which has the same problem.
>> Years ago, there was an error message that appeared during shutdown 
>> (or boot), stating that the BIOS did not pass the ACPI cutoff (I 
>> think it was a date before which they did not rely on ACPI).
>> Ever since then, that machine would not power-down, on every 
>> successive Linux release.
>> I used to use Kubuntu on that machine (8.04?) and I think the problem 
>> might have been evident back then.
>> - Aere
>> On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 12:06 -0400, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> Hmm, my first thought was that this appears to be perhaps some ACPI 
>>> interaction, specific to the bios of each pc. You might be able to 
>>> change some settings in the bios's on the pc to produce the intended 
>>> results.
>>> Reading the bug, perhaps there is something wrong on the software 
>>> side here. Since the bug is marked as being in gnome-session, can 
>>> you try and see if it affects you if you don't run gnome session? 
>>> For instance, does kubuntu exhibit this behavior?
>>> Short-term you could get a package with the patch in it and test 
>>> that. Longer term, helping get a fix in is of course best. I would 
>>> likely open a new bug for this after you've narrowed the cause of 
>>> what's going on.
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 08/25/2012 04:11 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>>> Hi John, 
>>>> it was marked as a "will not fix" [1]. This seems completely stupid 
>>>> to me, as the ltsp team agreed the fix. 
>>>> @ nicholas, can you chase this up? ltsp [2] have simply wished me 
>>>> luck to get the bug fixed..... It appears that people do not 
>>>> consider it a task worth doing?.... wtf... 
>>>> Regards, 
>>>> Phill. 
>>>> 1. 
>>>> 2.
>>>> On 25 August 2012 20:03, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at 
>>>> <mailto:PhillW at>> wrote:
>>>>     Hi John, 
>>>>     I've asked on the ltsp team. I do not think it is a lubuntu
>>>>     issue, nor an edubuntu one, but a generic issue. 
>>>>     I have cc'd this to the guy who looks after general QA, I'm
>>>>     sure that he will chase it up for you. 
>>>>     For your information LTSP are at [1]. 
>>>>     Regards, 
>>>>     Phill. 
>>>>     1.
>>>>     On 25 August 2012 19:31, John Hupp <lubuntu at
>>>>     <mailto:lubuntu at>> wrote:
>>>>         On my Lubuntu and Edubuntu 12.04 LTSP test networks, I find
>>>>         that some clients do not shut down completely. 
>>>>         On the Lubuntu network, one eMachine client stops at a
>>>>         black-and-white text screen that says:
>>>>             Ubuntu 12.04
>>>>             .... * Asking all remaining processes to terminate ...
>>>>             [255.161402] SysRq : Power off
>>>>             [255.173722] Power down.
>>>>                                       [OK]
>>>>             [255.280060[ SysRq : Power Off
>>>>             [255.280220] Power down.
>>>>             * All processes ended within 1 seconds ....    [OK]
>>>>         A simple press of the power button does not turn off the
>>>>         machine at that point.  I have to press and hold it 5
>>>>         seconds or so.
>>>>         Also on the Lubuntu network, an HP stops at the same
>>>>         screen, but a simple press of the power button turns it off.
>>>>         A Dell on the Lubuntu networks shuts off cleanly and
>>>>         completely within a few seconds.
>>>>         ---------------------
>>>>         On the Edubuntu network, all clients have to invoke
>>>>         Shutdown from the desktop and from the login screen.  After
>>>>         choosing Shutdown from the desktop (and then presenting a
>>>>         dialog for Shutdown or Restart), it drops back to the login
>>>>         screen, and there one chooses Preferences: Shutdown.  [Very
>>>>         tedious, but that's not my real interest in this post.  And
>>>>         as a footnote, the server shuts down cleanly after the two
>>>>         clicks on the desktop.
>>>>         But regarding specific client machine behavior on the
>>>>         Edubuntu network, the above eMachine hangs at a black
>>>>         screen after Preferences: Shutdown from the login screen. 
>>>>         I forgot to make a note of whether a simple press of the
>>>>         power button shuts it off from here, or whether a
>>>>         press-and-hold was required as it was on the Lubuntu net.
>>>>         The above HP hangs at a white screen after Preferences:
>>>>         Shutdown from the login screen.  A simple press of the
>>>>         power button shuts it off from here.
>>>>         The above Dell shuts down cleanly after Preferences:
>>>>         Shutdown from the login screen.
>>>>         ---------------------
>>>>         One other behavior that was of interest to me but that I
>>>>         did not thoroughly document was that even on machines where
>>>>         Shutdown hangs, it seems generally to be the case that
>>>>         Restart does not hang. The machine proceeds smoothly to
>>>>         POST and reboot.
>>>>         ---------------------
>>>>         So I am wondering if I can get all the clients to shut down
>>>>         cleanly via the interface Shutdown commands.
>>>>         If not, is there a script that will produce a clean shutdown?
>>>>         Or failing that, can I insert a splash screen at the end of
>>>>         the shutdown process something like Windows 95/98 used on
>>>>         machines where it could not execute a complete shutdown
>>>>         automatically?  (The screen said something like "It is now
>>>>         safe to turn off your computer.")
>>>>         Speaking of Windows 95/98's shutdown process, I recall that
>>>>         the issue had to do with power management drivers not fully
>>>>         supporting the hardware on some motherboards, or not
>>>>         finding the hardware that power management did fully
>>>>         support.  But beyond that, it was possible to
>>>>         not-install/uninstall/disable power management on machines
>>>>         that did support full shutdown, then
>>>>         install/reinstall/re-enable power management but not
>>>>         recover the ability to do a full shutdown.  So it wasn't
>>>>         always just a question of supported hardware.
>>>>         Also regarding Win 9x, that splash screen may have been an
>>>>         integrated part of all shutdowns.  I recall seeing it flash
>>>>         on-screen for a split second even on machines that were on
>>>>         their way to a full automatic shutdown.
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>> Sincerely,
>> Aere

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