I say its time to dump lubuntu software center for deepin software center

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 30 13:31:02 UTC 2012

On 29/10/12 18:53, Mr Wislr wrote:
> Then you better a long hard look at deep software center... because
> as of right now Lubuntu software center is a pig in resources
> compared to it.... its Lubuntu software center that uses a lot more
> resources.
Some thoughts on the above.

I have to say I dislike 'software centres' in general.  Whether it's
Ubuntu's, Lubuntu's, the Chromium Web Store, the one for my phone, or
any other distros. For me they just create a lot of hard work just to 
install a
bit of software. Lots of pretty pictures, strange categories or
pointless reviews that say very little don't help. They all suffer from
what I call KDE syndrome, they may be nice to look at (LSC excepted),
but are damned irritating to use.

Having watched a couple of new(ish) users trying to install software
with all three of them, they became quite confused with various aspects,
but did eventually install the software and use it. When asked how they
normally install software they told me the same thing I'd heard from
other new users.  They copy/paste instructions from a web site into the

So between Deepin-SC and LSC, on Lubuntu, which would I prefer.
Neither. In their current state they cannot replace Synaptic.

To replace Synaptic a software centre will have to do what synaptic can
do.  Add/remove/disable repositories, list all installed packages, list
dependencies, carry out updates, to name a few.

The obvious problems with Deepin-SC are:

The size of the window can't be adjusted.
It doesn't observe the title bar settings, the buttons are not set the
same as other windows.
It uses the xapian indexer which brings low end machines to a near halt.
  This is why xapian is not installed by default in Lubuntu.
What are the stars for, how are they derived?
What is 'Username Password Login Register' for under the description of
a package?
Why does it start installing the moment you click the install button,
but offer a Cancel button when you click Uninstal (sic)?
No search option on the front page, it took my users quite a time to 
find it.

Deepin-SC still managed better than LSC though with my users, Synaptic 
coming somewhere between.

The quick tests I had the users do are in no way scientific and the 
order they used the programs effected they way they used the the next one.

Using Deepin-SC, I asked them to install a spreadsheet, despite the fact 
gnumeric was already installed. One user searched for spreadsheet, on 
finding gnumeric recognised that it was already installed.  The other 
searched for 'excel' and got rather confused with the list presented, as 
it included various libraries for fiddling with Excel spreadsheets. 
Eventually they found gnumeric and clicked the start button next to it, 
failing to recognise it was already installed.
When it came to using LSC the later user searched for spreadsheet 
instead of excel, learning from their previous attempt, and 'No Packages 
Found' appeared on the screen.

In the way of solutions, all I can offer are; user testing and education.

Sorry if the above is abit rambling, but I hope it may be of use to 


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