Thanks for Lubuntu 12.10 and some observations

Sandor Ortegon sandortegon at
Fri Oct 19 14:06:29 UTC 2012


First at all, thanks to all the Lubuntu Team for this release. You know, 
I must confess that after some problems I saw during the daily build on 
Sunday (which was supposed to be a "release candidate"), I thought I 
needed to install another distro. Xubuntu ... ummm, is not very polished 
and not really lightweight (so, it doesn't really does its job very 
well, but is a desperate alternative), so I thought on installing 
standard Ubuntu with Unity.

I was afraid of my problems with Dropbox (not just the ugly monochrome 
icon, but the fact it wasn't working well), and some other weird things. 
So yesterday, I try to install the official Ubuntu 12.10 ... and I 
realized I couldn't even configure the keyboard layout in Unity!! ... it 
says "English (US)" but didn't let me choose the variant "International 
with dead tilde" that I needed. And I realize it was difficult to 
configure some basic things that are hidden ... even Windows allows you 
a certain level of configuration. In other words, yes, Unity is pretty, 
but not for me. My computer is not old, but I have been a Lubuntu user 
for 18 months.

Then, I installed the official Lubuntu release and "magic": Dropbox 
worked well again and other glitches dissapeared ... I am happy again. I 
spent the night configuring it to my taste, wow ... better than ever!!

Congrats to all the team ... and thanks again. Sorry, for losing my 
faith for a moment and deviating from the holy path ... this is a very 
good release!


Now ..., some minor problems to comment, I guess my mail summarizes the 
main glitches in this version so far:

1) Why Gpicview 0.2.4 is not installed by default??. Gpicview 0.2.3 has 
several problems (for example, if you make a zoom in a large picture and 
try to use the scroll bar, it doesnt work). I downloaded a deb file for 
0.2.4 from the Lubuntu Developers PPA (lubuntu-daily), installed 
manually the program and everything work fine. I will use this version 
until someone finally puts gpicview 0.2.4 in the official repositories.

2) It only happened to me once, that I installed a program using 
Synaptic and the icon in the main menu was too big. Not sure if this is 
Lubuntu's problem or not. Concrete example: LatexDraw. I had to edit the 
desktop file (latexdraw.desktop) in /usr/share/applications and change 
latexdraw32.xpm with latexdraw16.xpm as the icon.

3) There is no option to download propietary drivers. I don't use, so 
this is not a problem for me, but I have notice the option doesn't work 
in "Software Sources"

4) For some reason, the program "Software Sources" loads very slow every 
time. very different from 12.04

5) Again, as in Lubuntu 12.04, Xfce4 power-manager doesn't work very 
well. For example, it does not do what advertised with the screen 
backlight. I am not sure if it works at all. In fact, I uninstalled it 
and not it works better, the laptop is cooler. This needs to be 
investigated ... probably, this program is not doing anything good at 
all in Lubuntu!. At the end, I installed Jupiter Applet:, which in fact is the only program I have 
found that allows me to disable the touchpad in my Toshiba Laptop 
effectively, among other things (I cannot do this with other program in 
the menu). I use the "Power on Demand" mode (and sometimes, the "Power 
Saving Mode").

6) My computer doesn't have bluethooth, so I uninstall bluetooth 
programs ... and curiously, this forces me to uninstall "Sylpheed"!!! It 
makes no sense. I use Thunderbird, so it doesn't affect me (to the 
contrary, it is better), but it is weird that Sylpheed has some 
bluetooth program or library as dependency.

7) The "Penguin Games" installed by default ... umm... don't look very 
well (some even missed the menu bar in the Window) ... I always 
uninstall them and install aisleriot.

Thats all, I hope this complete summary is useful for you. Have a good 
day and thanks again!

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