[Lubuntu] How to unmount a camera from the command line?
yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 2 09:44:26 UTC 2012
On 02/11/12 01:10, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi John,
> I've found my little minicom usb camera / mic device. It does not get
> mounted by PCManFM, but does appear if I check
> phillw at piglet:~$ ls /dev/video*
> /dev/video0
> Which changes to
> phillw at piglet:~$ ls /dev/video*
> /dev/video0 /dev/video1
> when I plug it in.
> I suspect that as my device is a real dumb web-cam, has yours got in
> built memory? If it has, then that would explain it being mounted as a
> storage device.
> I'm following the hints and tips from the wiki area [1] The Multimedia
> guys on the forum are far better placed to assist you[2].
> Regards,
> Phill.
> 1. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#Configuring_Webcam_Software
> 2. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334
> On 1 November 2012 23:59, John Hupp <lubuntu at prpcompany.com
> <mailto:lubuntu at prpcompany.com>> wrote:
> Thanks!
> The home page is at http://entangle-photo.org/
> Since Entangle is not in the official repos, I installed it from
> GetDeb: http://www.getdeb.net/software/Entangle
> On 11/1/2012 7:43 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>> I'd expect USB flash drives to be auto mounted (The screams of "I
>> plugged my flash drive in & it didn't mount - do not worth
>> thinking about :) )
>> I'm in no way any expert on this, but IIRC, when I plugged my USB
>> webcam in a few cycles ago, it launched Cheese and not PCManFM.
>> Things will have changed and my laptop as of them is no longer,
>> this one has a built in one. If you have a link to Entangle I'd be
>> happy to install it & see how it gets on.
>> Regards,
>> Phill.
>> On 1 November 2012 23:06, John Hupp <lubuntu at prpcompany.com
>> <mailto:lubuntu at prpcompany.com>> wrote:
>> Perhaps it is too eager, I don't know. It seems like standard
>> behavior with removable storage -- it does the same thing with
>> USB flash drives, which is also what Windows does.
>> It would also be interesting to figure out why Entangle locks
>> up when it tries to unmount the camera.
>> But in the meantime I'm very eager for a work-around. I've
>> put in a lot of research and testing time on this over the
>> lastfew weeks, and it seems that I'm close to a decent
>> solution with Entangle. (I like it very much when things work
>> the way they should, and I prefer to see the "right" solution,
>> but I'll admit to some battle-weariness with confronting one
>> issue after another.)
>> On 11/1/2012 6:42 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> from what you describe I think PCManFM is being maybe just a
>>> little too eager to mount anything that arrives in a USB
>>> port. As such, I'd suggest raising a bug against PCManFM in
>>> the first instance, it can always get re-allocated once the
>>> dev-team have had chance to look into it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Phill.
>>> On 1 November 2012 22:36, John Hupp <lubuntu at prpcompany.com
>>> <mailto:lubuntu at prpcompany.com>> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to get a Canon Powershot G1 USB-connected
>>> camera working with remote capture (tethering) using
>>> either Entangle or Gtkam.
>>> Both apps get tripped up on the fact that Lubuntu
>>> auto-mounted the camera. Gtkam simply generates an error
>>> message about the camera already being in use. Entangle
>>> notes the same condition and offers to unmount the
>>> camera, but approving that causes the program to lock up.
>>> Either program launches OK if I manually unmount the
>>> camera from pcmanfm first.
>>> So I'd like to launch the camera program from a script
>>> that first unmounts the camera.
>>> Post #2 in
>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=967104had a
>>> solution in the command "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2," but
>>> gvfs-mount is not installed by default in Lubuntuand is
>>> not available from the default repos.
>>> I also tried "sudo umount /home/<user>/.gvfs," which was
>>> the mount point suggested to me by "sudo mount." That ran
>>> without error, but the camera did not seem to be truly
>>> unmounted, and both cam apps errored as before.
>>> What's my best solution in Lubuntu?
I think you need to be looking at writing udev rules for the camera.
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