chromium-browser and disk usage
uhtlmk at
Thu Nov 1 21:10:33 UTC 2012
Isn't there Midori too - especially for those who use ppc platform.
Considering that ff still doesn't have h.264 and mpeg4 support but
Midori has, i'd look at it as a valid alternative (although Midori has
some problems to deal with Google Drive), at least on a mac where now
- after the end of FlashVideoReplacer - html5 seems the only
reasonable way to have video support in the net.
2012/11/1 Phill Whiteside <PhillW at>:
> Hi Lars,
> whilst this is a slightly OT regarding Chromium issues, there is still some
> chatter on using what was xxxterm (now xombrero)[1] As a really low resource
> browser. Whilst the general consensus seems to be that it is not yet mature
> enough / has enough features to be considered as a replacement for Chromium
> I do know of a couple lubuntueers who are very happy with it. If you are
> finding Chromium to be simply too much of a resource hog for your system, it
> may just help you.
> Regards,
> Phill
> 1.
> On 1 November 2012 20:33, Lars Noodén <lars.nooden at> wrote:
>> What program can I use to gather memory usage data on
>> chromium-browser. Just right now about 4/5 of the tabs show the
>> unhappy face icon of a page which ran out of memory? chromium seems
>> only marginally usable as a browser because of this and the constant
>> swap usage.
>> Regards,
>> /Lars
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