
kelly kelly at
Tue May 29 02:56:23 UTC 2012

On Mon, 28 May 2012 13:48:23 +0200
Stephen Smally <eco.stefi at> wrote:

> Hi, i sent this message to the list but it was too heavy (an image
> was attached), so the moderator had to approve it. Nevermind, here it
> is.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	GMixer
> Date: 	Sun, 27 May 2012 13:06:39 +0200
> From: 	Stephen Smally <eco.stefi at>
> To: 	lubuntu user list <lubuntu-users at>
> Hi Guys, i have been working on a mixer for alsa in these days, so
> this is how is at the moment:
> GMixer <>
> I'm not sure about the layout (if keep the "vertical style" or use
> the more classic "horizontal style"), i'm trying to make something
> more modern than other mixers like gnome-alsamixer (which somebody
> suggested, but it has some huge dependencies). I called it GMixer
> because it just a Gtk mixer for alsa, so it suitable for any Gtk
> desktop environment.
> Do you have any suggestion?
> Cheers!
> Stephen Smally

Clean, simple, easy to use.  I like the horizontal style myself.  It is
what I'm used too.

Beautiful work.


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