quantal incoming artwork wiki

紳癒礁湖 rafaellaguna at ubuntu.com
Fri May 25 12:50:48 UTC 2012

I've updated the Wiki page dedicated to Incoming artwork. You can
register and upload new artwork pieces. The sub-wikis had been
organizated as the usual way. Also, a new entry for the theme Box, in
whih I'm working, was added. If you want to add anything but doen't want
to edit Wiki just tell me and I'll do the trick.

Also, the Flickr poll will soon open. That's intended for the community
wallpapers to make a new backgrounds package, included as a separate
piece of artwork (may not be installed with release, but I will include
it at the Ubuntu repositories).Everybody is invited to participate and
collaborate! :)

Incoming general: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/
Incoming Quantal:
Box entry: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/Quantal/Box

...and important:

Lubuntu Artwork specifications: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork
Ubuntu Artwork documentation:
Ubuntu Artwork backgrounds:
Flickr pool: http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-8/

Read these last ones if you want to participate in the wallpaper package
poll, except for the resolution (Lubuntu will use only 2560x1600 pixel
format, for simplifying users submissions).

And that's all for now (arf). Thanks for you patience on this looong


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