Change in the governance

Glenn Davis gedavis at
Tue May 15 12:59:22 UTC 2012

Julien - Thank you for your time and dedication you gave freely to me
as a user. I am extremely happy with the work you have done. I wish
you the best and I hope you find peace wherever you travel.

All - I'm disgusted with what I have seen here over the last few
months. This list has shown that many people here are incomprehensibly
rude and have an utter lack of respect. Top vs. Bottom posting anyone?

Signing off for good,

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Julien Lavergne <gilir at> wrote:
> Hi everyones,
> From now on, I'm stopping any governance activity on Lubuntu. I'll still
> continue to maintain LXDE on Ubuntu with my MOTU hat, to not abandoned
> the users we have. But I'll not deal anymore with any community
> activity, communication, wiki, IRC or any non-packaging & coding
> activity for Lubuntu.
> This is something I was thinking for several months now, the decision to
> set up the sub-teams was the first step in this direction. I felt guilty
> to stop at this time, and try to organize as much as I can before
> stepping back. The recent events demonstrate a failure in this goal, and
> I have now any reasons to stay in this situation.
> I originally contributed to Lubuntu as a system, to learn about it, and
> to technically improve it. I didn't sign to deal with ego and feeling of
> people, and to spend hours to deal with no-technical problems and fight
> between people.
> Lubuntu may survive as a system, since people rely on it, and I care
> enough to not abandon them. Lubuntu may not survive as a community, as
> it demonstrates an incredible ability to torn apart itself. So be it. It
> don't have enough willpower to maintain it anymore. Someone else would
> maybe have it, and will build something else.
> I'm still happy with the result we achieved since the past 2 years, we
> can't erase it. Life goes on, just a little different for now.
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne
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