New theme for

Karl Anliot kanliot at
Mon Mar 12 01:28:04 UTC 2012

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 3:49 PM, David Reimer <djreimer at> wrote:
> Here's my take -
> 1. The first option (above the line) for me is too cryptic. I'm a
> fairly aware user, and even then that first option leaves me feeling a
> bit lost. Nightmare for a newb! :) Also, I don't like being sent to a
> different page for something I need to know on *this* page.

I removed the cryptic table.  But CyberPenguin's version is too long,
and it has the noobies click through two more pages filled with

I'm asking the mailing list to settle our little argument for us.
Which one?  Top or bottom?

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