
PCMan pcman.tw at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 19:13:49 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 2:41 AM, Karl Anliot <kanliot at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ignoring people won't work that well.  We are getting tons of new
> users to this list ('join the mailing list' is the second hyperlink on
> lubuntu.net)  and it's hard to ignore new people.
> Speaking of ignoring bugs: can someone verify this ubuntu-PCManFM data
> loss bug?  Unless you don't like my personality, in which case, please
> ignore the bug. "files always deleted even if errors encountered
> during cut/paste:"
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/1003753

It's in our upstream bug tracker and labeled as "1.0".
We know this and is currently working on the remaining bugs in our tracker.
After the bugs are fixed, it's time for a 1.0 release.
The number of bugs have been significantly decreased in the past few weeks.
Andriy and I are working hard on them now.
Andriy is now doing code cleanup and he is also responsible for the
remaining bugs of pcmanfm/libfm.
At the  same time, I'm going to examine other LXDE components recently
and (finally) start fixing them.
I will start from smaller ones. The previously announced lxpanel2 is
now in a half-done state.
There are still some UI design issues to resolve.
Working in a hospital overtime everyday is really exhausting, but I'll
not give up the project.

Best regards

> There's a real problem with conducting business in a public forum.
> You can't tell what's important or legitimate  business without
> reading the whole post.  Sometimes you read the whole thread and you
> still don't know.  This is happening to this list.  For example, if
> I'm on the QA mailing list, and I get a long post about something
> Lubuntu, I take it seriously, because I know they are on the QA team.
> So we need something.  I think we need a second mailing list that
> emphasizes verified bugs, and legitimate business affecting everyone.
> Then we can still use lubuntu-users for support.
> kanliot
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