Website & download
Phill Whiteside
phillw at
Tue Jun 5 13:21:36 UTC 2012
+1 from me,
if we get a couple of acceptances, I'll do the move.
On 5 June 2012 14:16, 紳癒礁湖 <rafaellaguna at> wrote:
> **
> Ok, doing some experiment. I edited a sub-page and put there our beloved
> pictos (from Canoncial Design, I'm fuuuul standard compliant). The content
> is the same, but I think it's a bit clear:
> If you approve this it could be moved "one folder up" and set it as
> GetLubuntu default.
> Do you like it?
> El dl 04 de 06 de 2012 a les 13:24 +0100, en/na Mark Ballard va escriure:
> I would like to give some feedback on a user's experience trying to
> download and install Lubuntu, if I may.
> It's hard to find the download page. Clicking on "Get Ubuntu" takes you
> to the help page. Then you have to rummage around on the site to find
> somewhere to actually download the version you need.
> When you do select to download, it gives you v12.04. Even after
> rummaging around not possible to see any other versions to download.
> The help page talks about other versions. It's information implies that
> 11.10 is the long-term release. But there appears to be nowhere to download
> the long-term release. The importance of short-term releases became
> apparent to users recently when, for example, they got shipwrecked with the
> short term release of Ubuntu before the Unity overhaul. Had they stuck with
> the long term release prior to that, they would not now be shipwrecked. Yes
> I am speaking from experience. But what's the point of having a long-term
> release if you don't make it clear to users that this is the most advisable
> version to download and then point them to it?
> The checksum info page contains info only about 11.10 checksums. But the
> site downloads 12.04.
> The checksum and torrent additions to the download process have really
> snarled things up for idiot users - sorry, you can't say that, can you?
> It's snarled things up for 'dummies'. No, you can't say that either, can
> you? Just because you are not an experienced command-line user,
> administrator or nerd hobbyist, that doesn't make you a dummy. But you are
> likely to have plenty else to do: looking after kids, working over-time,
> fixing the car, fending off zombies. So the install process requires that
> you learn about torrent clients and command lines and checksums. That's the
> last thing I need to do. That's eliminated most of the population of the
> planet as potential users straight off. Point and click, man. What's with
> all these complications?
> So anyway. What I needed: a guarantee that I've got a version that will
> work with the target machine: PIII, 256Mb; a long term release version; and
> on the advice of this website, a checksummed version. What I got:
> likelihood the version I've got doesn't work with my machine, a short term
> release version, and no checksum validation.
> On top of all that, I'm dizzy from going back and forth and round the
> website for the information I need to perform this simplest of operations:
> downloading a version to install.
> --
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> --
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