organize the team

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Thu Feb 16 00:22:08 UTC 2012

hi Karl,

actually setting up multiple sites in apache is a some thing that can be
done with one arm tied behind my back. I'm a server based person who has
several sites running via their DNS happily to server :)

I'm still a bit green on setting up a VM for ubuntu server to run a mime of under - that, of course, is assuming runs under
ubuntu server... it may well run under Red Hat / Suse / Debian etc. all I
would need to know from Mario is the OS it runs under and if not Red Hat
(rpm) based, I'd need to set up a VM for it.



On 16 February 2012 00:02, karl anliot <kanliot at> wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 21:27:30 +0000
> Phill Whiteside <PhillW at> wrote:
> > Hi karl,
> >
> > I'm an admin, but know very little about the inward engine of Drupal /
> the
> > version we're using. Given enough information, if the system is rpm
> > compliant I could set up a test area so people could experiment with
> skins
> > etc.
> >
> Setting up multiple sites in apache is a chore.  Thanks for the offer, but
> I'd rather have a sysadmin do it.
> I can afford to pay for a month of hosting somewhere. ($10)
> We have no sysadmin on the team.  This is another problem to solve.
> I don't think we have a single web-professional on the team.  No web
> designer, no web developer.
> So we have to expect that the whole effort will be a learning process. No?
> --
> kanliot <kanliot at>

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