LXKeymap 0.7.99 - Call for help

Julien Lavergne gilir at ubuntu.com
Sun Feb 12 13:19:00 UTC 2012

Le 02/05/2012 04:40 PM, Leszek Lesner a écrit :
> I finished implementing multiple keyboard layout support aswell as
> advanced options modes for the keyboard layout configuration dialog in
> lxkeymap.
> The only thing that is still missing before a new deb can be released is
> polishing the whole application and fixing some minor bugs.
> As I am currently moving to a new appartement and also have a student
> project that I need to finish I don't have much time to do this.
> So it would be very nice if some capable python (pygtk) developer could
> fix the lxkeymap code so that it can be used in the coming Lubuntu 12.04
> (freeze is coming soon and I guess a multilayout capable keyboard
> configuration tool would be nice for the new release).
> I made a little screencast showing off the features and bugs of the
> application in its current state: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXIMOsYG6h4
> You can get the source code from here:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~leszek-lesner/lxkeymap/trunk
> Help is appreciate.
I uploaded 0.7.99, we have time to fix the remaining issues.

Could you give access to lxkeymap trunk to other Lubuntu devs ? Most of
them are part of the LSC team (
<https://launchpad.net/%7Elubuntu-software-center-team>). It will be
easier to help you and to commit fixes. Thanks in advance.

Julien Lavergne
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