Clipboard Manager - Time to report it :)

Alexander Andjelkovic andjelkovic at
Sun Feb 5 15:03:24 UTC 2012

Again, what exactly is the desired function? Parcellite does a lot of things.

2.7 Mb of memory sounds a bit too much if it's only purpose is to
guard your clipboard contents when you close applications.

Can it be solved in a better, even lighter way? Even if it would mean
we'd have to program it ourselves?

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 3:57 PM, amjjawad HOOHAA <amjjawad at> wrote:
>> So if you want to convince
>> somebody, bring facts to the table (in form of test results) and
>> people on the mailing list can make a proper decision.
> 1-
> 2-
> If someone else has "better" numbers (test results or whatever you call it),
> please share :)
> Thanks!

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