Applications freezing

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Wed Dec 19 14:00:11 UTC 2012

Hi Lars,

I'd suggest using backtrace [1].



On 19 December 2012 13:51, Lars Noodén <lars.nooden at> wrote:

> I'm having a problem with applications frequently freezing.  It's mostly
> been Clementine and Rhythmbox but others have done it also.  The symptom
> is that the application stops doing anything (e.g. sound output) and is
> unresponsive in its menus.  When I try to close the window, the window
> does not close, but after a short wait the message below pops up:
>         'The window "FOO" does
>         not seem to be responding.  Do you want to force
>         it to exit by sending the terminate signal?
>         Cancel          End Process
> I've tried running these apps from the terminal to see if any output
> gives a clue, but nothing is given when the lockup occurs.  How do I go
> about getting some data for a bug report.  In the case of Rhythmbox, I
> can get it to lock up on demand, though if I leave it alone it will also
> lock up on its own.
> This is all on 13.04
> Regards,
> /Lars
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