Incomplete shutdown on some LTSP clients (shutdown hangs/freezes)

John Hupp lubuntu at
Mon Aug 27 18:20:44 UTC 2012

In reply to my post about this issue on the LTSP mail list, Alkis 
Georgopoulos referenced that bug report (which he first reported) in 
reference to my comment about the inelegant and tedious need to click 
Shutdown 3 times on an LTSP client (not in reference to the shutdown 
hang). Excerpt from that reply:

ME: On the Edubuntu network, all clients have to invoke Shutdown from the desktop and from the login screen.  After choosing Shutdown from the desktop (and then presenting a dialog for Shutdown or Restart), it drops back to the login screen, and there one chooses Preferences: Shutdown.  [Very tedious, but that's not my real interest in this post.  And as a footnote, the server shuts down cleanly after the two clicks on the desktop.]

ALKIS: I reported that problem in, you can comment there if you want.

So if that bug report does not concern the hung-shutdown problem (I couldn't tell from reading the bug report), then there no patch -- not even a very old one -- to test.


But in reference to the shutdown hang, he replied:

ME: One other behavior that was of interest to me but that I did not thoroughly document was that even on machines where Shutdown hangs, it
seems generally to be the case that Restart does not hang.  The machine proceeds smoothly to POST and reboot.

ALKIS: The "machine does not power off" problem is related to acpi/kernel. You can verify that it isn't related to ltsp by booting the client with a CD
or usb stick. You can report that upstream to the kernel, see  for instructions.

I confirmed that it is not an LTSP issue by booting one of the affected 
client machines with a Live CD.  Probably due to very low-spec hardware, 
I didn't have a working pointer to use the Lubuntu Quit button, but 
Alt-F2: "sudo halt" and Alt-F2: "sudo shutdown -h now" both resulted in 
the machine shutdown hung at a text screen with the last line being 
"System halted."

So yes, he regards it as an Ubuntu problem, specifically ACPI-related.  
I looked at the link for reporting upstream to the kernel, but the First 
Step instructions didn't seem to apply very well to me as a 
non-programmer.  I did, however, send an email reporting my findings to 
Len Brown, the listed ACPI maintainer.  That was this morning and I 
haven't heard from him yet.


I would be happy to play around with the BIOS Power Management settings 
on the affected clients if I had some good ideas about what to change.

Does it still make sense to go to the trouble of setting up Kubuntu?

On 8/27/2012 12:06 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> Hmm, my first thought was that this appears to be perhaps some ACPI 
> interaction, specific to the bios of each pc. You might be able to 
> change some settings in the bios's on the pc to produce the intended 
> results.
> Reading the bug, perhaps there is something wrong on the software side 
> here. Since the bug is marked as being in gnome-session, can you try 
> and see if it affects you if you don't run gnome session? For 
> instance, does kubuntu exhibit this behavior?
> Short-term you could get a package with the patch in it and test that. 
> Longer term, helping get a fix in is of course best. I would likely 
> open a new bug for this after you've narrowed the cause of what's 
> going on.
> Nicholas
> On 08/25/2012 04:11 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> it was marked as a "will not fix" [1]. This seems completely stupid 
>> to me, as the ltsp team agreed the fix.
>> @ nicholas, can you chase this up? ltsp [2] have simply wished me 
>> luck to get the bug fixed..... It appears that people do not consider 
>> it a task worth doing?.... wtf...
>> Regards,
>> Phill.
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> On 25 August 2012 20:03, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at 
>> <mailto:PhillW at>> wrote:
>>     Hi John,
>>     I've asked on the ltsp team. I do not think it is a lubuntu
>>     issue, nor an edubuntu one, but a generic issue.
>>     I have cc'd this to the guy who looks after general QA, I'm sure
>>     that he will chase it up for you.
>>     For your information LTSP are at [1].
>>     Regards,
>>     Phill.
>>     1.
>>     On 25 August 2012 19:31, John Hupp <lubuntu at
>>     <mailto:lubuntu at>> wrote:
>>         On my Lubuntu and Edubuntu 12.04 LTSP test networks, I find
>>         that some clients do not shut down completely.
>>         On the Lubuntu network, one eMachine client stops at a
>>         black-and-white text screen that says:
>>             Ubuntu 12.04
>>             .... * Asking all remaining processes to terminate ...
>>             [255.161402] SysRq : Power off
>>             [255.173722] Power down.
>>                                       [OK]
>>             [255.280060[ SysRq : Power Off
>>             [255.280220] Power down.
>>             * All processes ended within 1 seconds ....    [OK]
>>         A simple press of the power button does not turn off the
>>         machine at that point. I have to press and hold it 5 seconds
>>         or so.
>>         Also on the Lubuntu network, an HP stops at the same screen,
>>         but a simple press of the power button turns it off.
>>         A Dell on the Lubuntu networks shuts off cleanly and
>>         completely within a few seconds.
>>         ---------------------
>>         On the Edubuntu network, all clients have to invoke Shutdown
>>         from the desktop and from the login screen.  After choosing
>>         Shutdown from the desktop (and then presenting a dialog for
>>         Shutdown or Restart), it drops back to the login screen, and
>>         there one chooses Preferences: Shutdown.  [Very tedious, but
>>         that's not my real interest in this post.  And as a footnote,
>>         the server shuts down cleanly after the two clicks on the
>>         desktop.
>>         But regarding specific client machine behavior on the
>>         Edubuntu network, the above eMachine hangs at a black screen
>>         after Preferences: Shutdown from the login screen.  I forgot
>>         to make a note of whether a simple press of the power button
>>         shuts it off from here, or whether a press-and-hold was
>>         required as it was on the Lubuntu net.
>>         The above HP hangs at a white screen after Preferences:
>>         Shutdown from the login screen.  A simple press of the power
>>         button shuts it off from here.
>>         The above Dell shuts down cleanly after Preferences: Shutdown
>>         from the login screen.
>>         ---------------------
>>         One other behavior that was of interest to me but that I did
>>         not thoroughly document was that even on machines where
>>         Shutdown hangs, it seems generally to be the case that
>>         Restart does not hang. The machine proceeds smoothly to POST
>>         and reboot.
>>         ---------------------
>>         So I am wondering if I can get all the clients to shut down
>>         cleanly via the interface Shutdown commands.
>>         If not, is there a script that will produce a clean shutdown?
>>         Or failing that, can I insert a splash screen at the end of
>>         the shutdown process something like Windows 95/98 used on
>>         machines where it could not execute a complete shutdown
>>         automatically?  (The screen said something like "It is now
>>         safe to turn off your computer.")
>>         Speaking of Windows 95/98's shutdown process, I recall that
>>         the issue had to do with power management drivers not fully
>>         supporting the hardware on some motherboards, or not finding
>>         the hardware that power management did fully support.  But
>>         beyond that, it was possible to not-install/uninstall/disable
>>         power management on machines that did support full shutdown,
>>         then install/reinstall/re-enable power management but not
>>         recover the ability to do a full shutdown.  So it wasn't
>>         always just a question of supported hardware.
>>         Also regarding Win 9x, that splash screen may have been an
>>         integrated part of all shutdowns.  I recall seeing it flash
>>         on-screen for a split second even on machines that were on
>>         their way to a full automatic shutdown.
>>         --
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